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Wedding Photography – All the Tips to Rock the Big Day!

The top tips to help you prepare for your big day and the wedding photography. Photo by Foto Pettine from Unsplash

One of the great joys here is being able to share weddings that inspire you. But….where do so many stunning wedding pictures, happy grooms, wide smiles, natural poses and divine light come from? In the midst of so much planning for the wedding, have you ever stopped to think a little about the record of this enchanted day? What poses you will do, which images you can’t miss, how to have creative wedding photos. Because our wedding photographers separate all the tips for you!

Not all of us are born Instagram ready (ready to be clicked any minute) and shyness is real. In addition to the most common subjects with the chosen photographer – contract, schedules, staff – in short, the most annoying practical part, you need to stop a little to think that you and the love of your life will be in front of the cameras. And not everyone is a celebrity, right?

What do you want to be immortalized in your album? How to feel relaxed so that the photos are spontaneous and full of complicity? How to pass all the romanticism and emotion that you are experiencing to an image?

To help our beloved brides understand a little more about the wedding photography process, we invite the wedding photographers from PopTop for a chat where some doubts and insecurities are all answered.

The top tips to help you prepare for your big day and the wedding photography
The top tips to help you prepare for your big day and the wedding photography. Photo by Foto Pettine from Unsplash

Expectation x Reality: what can the bride and groom expect from the wedding photos?

If you imagine that in the making of you will need to be doing, there’s nothing like that, unless this is your wish! If you are afraid of wasting a lot of time taking photos and going from table to table, know that the couple is the one who decides whether this will be done or not. The goal of a good photographer is to deliver a real story of the day, a meaningful memory. So, enjoy the day that the photos will happen naturally.

What is the secret of creative and spontaneous wedding photos?

We believe that empathy between the couple and the photographers is the key to everything! If you like the work of a photographer, make a meeting with him, in person or by video call. If the saint beats, it is certainly half done.

The pre is a great opportunity to get to know your photographers even better! In our rehearsals for example, we usually talk a lot with the couple, we ask for less poses and more interactions. When everyone finds common topics and tastes, the rehearsal flows naturally and certainly goes home with two more friends.

Which photos cannot be missing on your wedding day?

Each wedding is in fact unique, and good photographers value every detail of that day: from the making of to the individual portraits of the newlyweds ready, going through every detail of the ceremony and the procession. Other unique moments include the first kiss of married couples, formal family photos, groomsmen, ladies and men, portraits of the couple in the first minutes of marriage and photos of the party / reception that convey exactly the vibe of that moment.

Talking to each couple to find out what photos they cannot miss, and the briefing that takes place during the wedding week helps professionals to identify details and important people. This contributes a lot to the result of meaningful photos.

What is the best time to start the ceremony and have beautiful outdoor wedding photos?

If you want to get married during the day and enjoy the party at night, schedule your ceremony to start at 4pm at the latest, and as a safety margin, mark the invitation at 3:30 pm. The bride and groom must be ready about twenty minutes before the ceremony for the individual portraits to be done calmly. Right after the ceremony there is still natural light to take the protocol photos and just the couple.

On the position in relation to the sun, if the ceremony is not done entirely in the shade – which gives a beautiful light! – look for the backlight, at the beginning or at the end of the day. That is, do not position the guests facing the sun. Ideally, the sun should be on the back of the guests and the bride and groom, when entering, and facing the altar.

Tips for creative wedding photo poses

Everything will depend a lot from couple to couple. We already had couples who wanted a more conceptual and artistic footprint in the post-ceremony photos, and we also had couples who preferred something more spontaneous.

Nice pictures to take are also of the couple in specific details of the decoration, such as chairs decorated at the family table, backdrops or arches. We also love those, with the godmothers and groomsmen and also just the couple, right after the ceremony. If you like it too, take a few minutes to do it calmly and with natural light. It will make all the difference!

In addition to the protocol photos, what other moments can be beautiful in the wedding photos?

We super encourage our couples to have special moments and live their big day intensely. The first look is great for relieving anxiety and always yields exciting photos. The first touch and the blind date are less daring, but no less exciting, since in the first touch the two just touch and do not see each other and in the blind date only the bride sees the groom.

Because they are very intimate moments for the couple, in either case, the photographer’s mission at that moment is that of the spectator: to photograph without interfering.

How long does it take to cover a wedding?

Nine hours are enough for the couple’s making of ceremony, post-ceremony photos and party. But there is the possibility of personalization to expand this plan. If the bride and groom opt for a destination wedding outside of country and hire local photographers, one must remember to ask about it, as the professionals work with different times from country to country.

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