Home News Scottish News 14% of Scotland residents upsizing so they can work from home-Scottish News

14% of Scotland residents upsizing so they can work from home-Scottish News

14% of people in Scotland are considering moving to a larger property

If recent Government announcements mean you’re back working from home, you might be looking to invest in a home office according to the latest research from MyGlazing.com.

The research with over 1,000 people showed that less than half people in Scotland (40%) have a dedicated home office space, with a further 28% feeling their home working space isn’t adequate. 17% of people have lost out on living space to accommodate working from home.

While many people of been reaping the rewards of working from home, half of those surveyed admit to needing to make changes to their property to allow them to do this, with almost one in five requiring a home improvement company to help.

A set of keys- Scottish News
14% of people in Scotland are considering moving to a larger property

14% of people in Scotland are considering moving to a larger property and a further one in ten (11%) are looking into getting significant work done such as an extension, loft conversion, conservatory or garden room to increase their working and living space.

James Lee, Director of Communications at MyGlazing.com, commented: “Before the Government even announced its updated working from home policy, many people seemed happy to continue working from home.

“This is likely down to savings in cost and time, on commuting to their company’s office plus a better work-life balance from operating from home.

The research with over 1,000 people showed that less than half people in Scotland (40%) have a dedicated home office space

“With this in mind, it’s important that those working from home have access to comfortable and healthy working conditions, which is why many people have already made home improvements or are planning to make improvements.

“Our research shows that 85% of homeowners are planning to make improvements of some kind to their homes in the near future. It’s therefore important homeowners consider what they can do to create working spaces that are safe, comfortable and productive.

“My advice would be to work in a room with as much natural light as possible and good ventilation to allow your home working environment to stay healthy.

“You might even consider investing in a garden room, extension or conservatory to create a dedicated home working space.”

One person that has done just that is Nicola Hughes, who owns a freelance consultancy helping businesses shape communities through organisational, partnership and service delivery.

Since lockdown, Nicola has had a garden room installed in her property to allow her to work from home without impacting her current living space.

Nicola, said: “I have been working from my home for over 14 years so I’m very used to the benefits and challenges this can bring.

“I finally ordered my garden office at the very start of lockdown. During the last 14 years I haven’t had a dedicated office at home and have therefore ‘surfed’ with my work around the house, from dining to kitchen table.

Inside the garden room office

“I had been debating having an office in the garden for the last few years.  I wanted a dedicated space where I could avoid interruptions and have a door to metaphorically and physically close on my work at the end of the day.

“When COVID arrived and it looked like we were going into lockdown it was the impetus I needed.  Two teenage children schooling at home and a husband working from home and all needing office/desk space was the final push I needed to make my investment!

“We were jostling for quiet places, with at some points all four of us needing to be on online calls, so I knew it was the right time to invest in a garden office.

“I have been using my new office for just a couple of weeks but I’ve already seen the benefits of the investment and not just for me, but for the whole family.  I now have the space that I hoped for.

“It is a quiet, uninterrupted space where I can deliver my consultancy work and my coaching.

“With less interruptions I am able to be more efficient and less likely to work in the evenings as the work is shut away, giving me more balance. It has been the best investment for all of us.”

Nicola is one of many investing in home improvements to make working from home more comfortable and practical.

To support those that do require work on their property, MyGlazing.com, the consumer advice website for the Glass & Glazing Federation (GGF), has created a Stay Safe section on its website with top tips and advice on staying safe while improving the home during the current pandemic.

From advice on safely admitting tradespeople into the home, planning tips for a socially distanced renovation, and the best home improvements to carry out in the current climate, the Stay Safe hub is ideal for anyone wanting advice and information to make improvements to their home safely during this time.

Visit Stay Safe with MyGlazing.com for access to the latest advice: https://www.myglazing.com/stay-safe/

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