Home Entertainment White Stripes’ Jack White buys £3,600 guitar for busker who had his...

White Stripes’ Jack White buys £3,600 guitar for busker who had his smashed up by “drunk” woman – Viral News Scotland

Matt said the gesture was "once in a million lifetimes" (Image: Matt Grant)
Matt with guitar
Matt said the gesture was “once in a million lifetimes” (Image: Matt Grant)

THE White Stripes frontman Jack White has bought a brand new £3,600 guitar for an Edinburgh busker after his own one was smashed up by a “drunk” woman on the street.

The Seven Nation Army singer’s manager contacted Matt Grant yesterday after hearing about the incident which happened on Princes Street, Edinburgh on Tuesday.

Matt had been busking on the popular city street when a 45-year-old woman came up to him, shouted in his face and smashed his £300 acoustic guitar on the ground.

The 26-year-old, originally from Bradford, West Yorkshire, set up a Go Fund Me page to raise funds for a replacement, but was blown away when it reached over £4,000.

Yesterday, after picking up his new acoustic at Guitar Guitar, he was contacted by Jack White’s team saying the rockstar wanted to buy him a guitar.

Grammy Award winning Jack apparently spotted Matt’s fundraising page and “felt bad” about what happened.

Last night, Matt branded the American musician a “legend” after picking out a custom made Fender Stratocaster costing £3,600.

Speaking today (THUR), Matt said: “It’s just amazing. I was in the guitar shop and the manager had been trying to get hold of me all day on the Go Fund Me page but I had closed it as I already had more than enough donations in.

“He said Jack saw what happened bud and he wants to get you a guitar.

Matt’s original £300 guitar was smashed to pieces. (Jack White)

“I said I already had one now because I had been in and bought my new acoustic one and he said, ‘keep that one and get another one. Jack really wants to help’.

“I wanted to thank Jack directly to thank him but I found out he doesn’t actually have a phone so his manager said to send an email and that should get to him.

“It’s just incredible, it really is.

“I was like a kid in a sweetie shop, going around trying out all the guitars until I picked the one I wanted.”

Matt shared a photograph and video showing him opening the case of his gleaming new guitar on his Instagram last night.

He wrote: “Now for something absolutely incredible. Story time.

“This morning I came into @guitarguitaredinburgh to pick up the new acoustic.

Matt says the “drunk” woman accosted him while he was playing. (Image: Matt Grant)

“Next thing I know I’m on the phone to @officialjackwhitelive ‘s manager who tells me Jack White has seen my go fund me page, feels bad for what happened and wants to buy me a new guitar.

“Flashforward one kid in a candy shop later testing as many guitars as possible and I settle on a #custommade #fenderstratocaster.

He added: “Absolute once in a million lifetimes thing happened today and I cannot thank Jack enough for his absolute generosity.

“Apparently he saw what happened and hit up his manager just this morning, who then amazingly tracked me down to the guitar shop just in time for me to walk out with this absolute beauty.

“Thanks Jack. I’d love to thank you personally one day, you’re a legend.”

The post was like hundreds of times and attracted comments from delighted music fans.

Matt regularly plays on the capital’s streets. (Image: Matt Grant)

Mike Butler wrote: “Congrats man. Gives me hope for humanity to see people come together to help someone in need. I’ll come check you out next time I’m in Edinburgh.”

Chris Lindsay said: “Beautiful gesture and a beautiful guitar!

Scott Shanahan wrote: “This is awesome! I’ve been following since I saw your Reddit post. Pay it forward dude!!

“Get some little kid a guitar. Kindness breeds kindness.”

Retailer Guitar Guitar, where Matt picked up his new guitar, wrote: “Craziest. Day. Ever. @officialjackwhitelive is the man!”

Matthew initially posted a video showing his damaged instrument lying on the ground while a woman can be seen being questioned by police in the background.

A spokeswoman for Police Scotland said: “A 45-year-old woman was arrested and a report will be submitted to the Fiscal.”

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