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Out-of-work Santas offered the chance to make Christmas wishes come true by video calling children – Entertainment News UK

Bookings have went up 1,000%, as parents prepare for a socially-distanced Christmas in 2020, with more lockdowns looming.

An online Santa’s Grotto has ramped up its recruitment drive, with more St Nicks needed to meet demand for the Christmas-themed video call.

Santa’s Grotto Live has seen a surge in demand in recent weeks, as parents prepare for a Christmas with a difference this year.

As more venues are forced to announce the cancellation of their traditional grottos due to social distancing rules, this contact-free video call with Father Christmas has seen a blizzard of bookings in recent weeks, with a 1,000% month-on-month increase in October.

Entertainment News UK - Deadline News
Bookings have went up 1,000%, as parents prepare for a socially-distanced Christmas in 2020, with more lockdowns looming.

With Santa’s helpers busy getting ready to launch the online grotto next month, they are now on the look-out for more people with experience of stepping into the big red suit, to help spread some festive joy.

Organisers say they have seen a lot of interest in taking on the key role, from actors, children’s entertainers and hospitality staff facing a quiet period due to the closure of venues, through to experienced Santas who have seen their usual grotto gigs cancelled.

There are also more job openings for camera crews and lighting technicians, to help Santa connect with as many children as possible.

Social distancing measures and uncertainty over the potential of more lockdown rules this festive season have forced many popular venues, shops and garden centres across the UK to cancel plans to host Father Christmas in person this year.

A surge in demand for online Santa’s Grotto means recruitment drive has ramped up.

So Santa’s Grotto Live aims to make sure children don’t miss out on this traditional annual encounter.

The brand new online Santa experience promises to be the most magical video call of the year, with children and their families able to chat to Father Christmas all from the comfort of their own homes.

Multiple guests can be added to the call, so parents, grandparents and up to 6 children can all share the magical experience together from anywhere in the world.

Tickets are on sale now for the online Christmas event, one of the first of its kind in the UK, with the virtual Santa’s Grotto experience opening to visitors in November.

“Parents can choose their date and book a slot of 10, 15 or 25 minutes, giving their children plenty of memorable face time during their video call with Father Christmas.

Santa’s Grotto Live head elf and spokesperson said: “We know how magical it is for children to meet Santa at Christmas time, so we are delighted to be able to offer a safe way to do it.

“Since launching we’ve been flooded with demand from families keen to keep the Santa’s Grotto tradition going with their own private video call.

“But spreading festive joy all across the UK needs a lot of help, so we’re on the lookout for more jolly helpers who are able to step into Santa’s suit and make this Christmas special for as many children as possible.”

Those interested in applying to be Santa or to work on his team of helpers can visit santasgrotto.live/jobs.

To book a personalised video call, there are 3 different packages to choose from, starting from £20 for a 10-minute video call. Each call will also help raise vital funds for tackling homelessness this Christmas, with 20p from each booking donated to Shelter.

For full details or to book your place visit santasgrotto.live.

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