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Police investigate after footage shows pedestrians pelted with fireworks – Crime News UK

Pedestrians ducked for cover as rockets hurtled towards them.

WEST Midlands Police have launched an investigation after shocking video emerged showing fireworks being launched at pedestrians from a car.

The “drive-by shooting” took place on Coventry Road, Birmingham and left passerbys ducking for cover as they were pelted with up to 40 rockets.

As the clip begins, the firework is seen being pointed out of a passenger side window and aimed towards the street.

Explosives shoot out from the cardboard canon in a blaze of light and heat.

As the car speeds down the road, it leaves a trail of smoke with each discharge of the rocket.

At one point the vehicle passes a group who duck in terror as the firework shoots towards them.

The terrifying clip was uploaded to Facebook on November 1, captioned with “What a complete idiot.”

Fireworks being shot at pedestrians - Crime News UK
As the car speeds down the road it opened fire on pedestrians

The video has prompted condemnation from social media users.

Ray Tolley wrote under the post: “This type of irresponsible, stupid behaviour is not uncommon these days. Hate to think what the country will be like.”

Syed Hussaini said: “That’s basically a machine gun.”

Ian Mallinson said: “To be fair, firing upon members of public with something in forms of fireworks, especially repeaters like this should be treated as a firearm incident.

“And should be dealt with by armed police that would teach them especially if it ended up with the ****s getting shot up as well.”

Pedestrians ducked for cover as rockets hurtled towards them.

West Midlands Police said yesterday they have conducted local enquiries after becoming aware of the footage and will be seizing CCTV for review.

Insp Simon Graham, in charge of policing in Yardley constituency, said: “The footage shows a large firework – the kind that would be used at public displays – effectively being used in a drive-by shooting as a potentially lethal weapon.

“Letting off fireworks in the street is hugely reckless. Had one of those rockets exploded in someone’s face we could be looking at a wounding investigation or even worse.

“This is not just people having some fun. What I’ve seen on the video is really dangerous and we will take action.

One Facebook user compared the fireworks to a machine gun

“Offenders are putting people in danger and they run the risk of being arrested and jailed.

“Anyone with information is asked to message us on Live Chat through our website or call us on 101 quoting log number 2695 from 3 November.”

West Midlands Police have confirmed today [WED] that there are currently no arrests.

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