Home News Environment Winners announced for Scottish Nature photography calendar

Winners announced for Scottish Nature photography calendar

January - Rannoch Moor by Kris Fraser
Rannoch Moor
January – Rannoch Moor by Kris Fraser

THE WINNERS of a nationwide photography competition have been announced and will now see their works included in a forthcoming calendar.

The 13 images were selected from over 700 entries, which were taken after NatureScot appealed to the nation for their treasured photos and memories of Scotland’s waters.

The stunning images feature everything from lochs and harbours, to fish and birds as part of the celebration of Scotland’s Year of Coasts and Waters.

February by Loch Lomond – Sam Smith

Francesca Osowska, NatureScot Chief Executive said: “We were struck by the range of subjects captured – from underwater wildlife encounters to journeys through scenic waterscapes, spanning the length and breadth of Scotland, including our island treasures.”

Francesca explained the importance of nature, particularly during what has been a tough year for many.

She added: “During lockdown, many people managed to enjoy nature close to home. Making space for nature in our lives, both physically and mentally, can make us happier and healthier.

March – Nairn Harbour by Joss Ward

“The fantastic range of images and stories submitted are testament to these strong connections with nature. A huge thank you to all who entered.”

Entrants were asked to provide a story or memory to accompany the image, connecting with the next Themed Year in planning – Year of Scotland’s Stories in 2022.

The full list of winners were: Billy Arthur, Kris Fraser ,Sam Smith, Joss Ward, Paul Kay, Gary Fawcett, Danni Thompson, David Gibbon, Gordon Lawrie, Jason Guthrie, Amanda Smith, Kirsty Andrews and Helen Ostrycharz.

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