Home Business Half of business currently have insufficient cyber security for home working

Half of business currently have insufficient cyber security for home working

THE IFB launched the threat intelligence service to help tackle covid-19 cyber threats (C) IFB
Internet security
Cyber crime has increased during the pandemic (Image by vishnu vijayan from Pixabay)

AN ONLINE security group has revealed that around half of UK businesses currently do not have adequate protection against rising cyber threats.

PSBE Cyber News Group is warning that increased home-working has opened up vulnerabilities which has left around 48% of companies without sufficient defences.

Online crime has seen a rise since the start of the Covid-19 with cyber criminals poised to take advantage

Aberdeen-based security company IFB is now warning that most businesses are failing to respond to the threat and have adopted  a “band aid” approach.

Graeme Gordon, CEO of IFB said: “Given that working habits have changed considerably in recent months and will likely remain this way for the foreseeable future, now is the time to start protecting remote workers, organisations and boards to understand any cyber threats on the horizon.”

THE IFB launched the threat intelligence service to help tackle covid-19 cyber threats (C) IFB

IFB has recently launched a Threat Intelligence program to help businesses of all sizes identify weaknesses and deal with them.

It hopes to provide real time intelligence and action plans by scanning the organisation’s public facing environment to produce the view of a cyber criminal.

Mr Gordon added: “Our Threat Intelligence platform has been developed with a group of IFB customers who have all identified the need for a service that not only looks at vulnerabilities such as outdated firmware and operating systems, incomplete or incorrect device configuration and weak passwords, but also creates comprehensive reports which puts the data identified into context for their business.

“Our dashboarding technology and security expertise means we can securely translate this sensitive data, categorise the risk and threat to an organisation and  most importantly fix this before it they can be exploited intentionally or deliberately by a cyber criminal.”

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