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Why is There so Much Passion Surrounding Football?

(Connor Coyne on Unsplash) The research concluded that social bonding is significantly higher in fans of consistently unsuccessful clubs due to them having experienced more dysphoria in relation to the emotional difficulty of being a fan of a club that has been relegated or lost many games.

Once you start following football, you quickly learn that football fans are incredibly passionate about the sport. Football fans are unlike fans of any other sport.

From the feeling that you’ve won when your team does well to the irritation and anger you feel when they lose, football fans take the game personally. But why is there so much passion surrounding football?

Most people develop their love of football at a young age, either at school or through their family. For some people, it’s the excitement of placing a bet on a game or tournament that first got them excited about watching the game.

Footballer with ball - The major talents of the premier league
Photo by Connor Coyne on Unsplash

Even now, they can experience this excitement by looking at betting tips on football to help increase the chances of winning. But there are many aspects of football that draw people in and keep them as fans for the rest of their lives.

The Pre and Post-Match Rituals

Pre and post-match rituals are a big part of being a football fan, from wearing your team’s football shirt to meeting up with other fans before or after the game.

You might even wear a lucky item each time you attend a match to help your team win. There are songs that fans know and routines that they follow to ensure a lucky match for their players.

To be part of these rituals and understand them is a great feeling and a big part of why football fans are so passionate around the world – they have things that unite them.


True football fans never miss a match, whether it’s heading to the stadiums to see them in person or watching on TV. Supporting their team is important to fans and they would never miss a game.

Nothing beats the atmosphere in a stadium or a pub showing the game on the big screen. It’s a great experience that makes this sport extra special.

Taking Part

To be a football fan is to be a participant. It’s not just about heading to the games each time your team is at home but it’s also about the emotional participation, from out-singing the competition to showing up, rain or shine, to be there for them.

Passion for this game is all-consuming and football fans around the world share this enthusiasm and the need to take part in all football-related activities when they can.

They might chat to other fans on online forums or some people even have social media accounts based purely on their team. It’s something that consumes them every second of the day and they love it.

The Simplicity of the Game

Some sports have confusing rules that are difficult to follow for a lot of people. But football has simple rules, and this is one of the reasons why it’s such a popular game worldwide.

It’s something that anyone can follow, from kids to adults, and it unites people on and off the pitch. It’s a way for people to connect and have things in common, even if they are completely different in every other way.

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