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Hilarious moment granddad attempts to jump over river for £10 bet and is sent crashing into stream

Kimberley Soutar filmed her dad Ian’s disastrous attempt to win the cash when they were out for a walk around Monikie Country Park in Angus. (C) Kimberley Soutar

A COMPETITIVE granddad was left red-faced after betting his daughter £10 that he could jump across a stream before failing miserably and tripping backwards into the water.

Kimberley Soutar filmed her dad Ian’s disastrous attempt to win the cash when they were out for a walk around Monikie Country Park in Angus.

On Sunday the confident 55-year-old from Letham, Angus told his daughters that he could jump the stream “no bother”, but said he would only do it for a tenner.

In the clip, the cocky Scotsman can be seen smiling as he eyes up the stream ahead.

His family are heard repeating “Do it, do it, do it,” while he rocks back and forth, trying to build up a bit of momentum.

At one point he turns around and walks away, appearing to have second thoughts over his ability to make the jump.

But, after being heckled by his family, Ian sharply whizzes around and makes a run for the challenge.

He can then be seen making two short hops before making his anticipated jump.

However, he just misses and goes crashing into the verge at the other side.

Grandfather jumps stream for £10 bet
A COMPETITIVE granddad was left red-faced after betting his daughter £10 that he could jump across a stream before failing miserably and tripping backwards into the water. (C) Kimberley Soutar

His family erupt into laughter as Ian staggers backwards into the stream while reaching his arms out to try and save himself.

Ian makes a huge smash as he hits the water and begins flailing around frantically before trying to get up.

Ian appears to take his defeat on the chin as he emerges from the stream smiling, while shaking off the water.

He can be heard saying “it’s icy” while his family continue to laugh at his demise.

Kimberley posted the clip onto Facebook on Sunday, writing: “2020 has been really s****, but I think we can all agree that spending time with family makes everything better.

Kimberley Soutar filmed her dad Ian’s disastrous attempt to win the cash when they were out for a walk around Monikie Country Park in Angus. (C) Kimberley Soutar

“Safe to say my Dad didn’t win the £10 bet.

“Please watch until the end you won’t be disappointed.”

The clip was later shared across various Facebook groups and also TikTok where it has attracted over 500,000 views.

Drew Webster wrote: “You’ll need to see a back specialist after this.”

Deborah Gillan said: “Oh my god Ian, good on you!

“Love how your supportive family laughed and laughed.”

On Sunday the confident 55-year-old from Letham, Angus told his daughters that he could jump the stream “no bother”. (C) Kimberley Soutar

Daryl Kirk wrote: “Omg brilliant Hahaha.”

And Lynda Fraser said: “Omg! That’s hilarious.”

Ironically, Ian fixes backs for a living and uses gentle, noninvasive methods to help release pain, stress and tension in the area.

Speaking today Kimberley said: “ He actually fixes backs, which he will definitely be needing after that fall.

“My dad started to say he could jump the stream ‘no bother’ as we were passing and my sister said now way.

“I said I thought it was manageable and that if he did it I would give him £10 so he said give the money to your sister first.

“So I got my phone out just in case, that’s when he started to walk away and the rest is history.

Ian Soutar ended up not winning the bet and with a sore back (C) Kimberley Soutar

“Almost 80,000 likes and 500,000 views on TikTok

She added: “He says he doesn’t want the fame, just the money.”

Ian’s daughter Kimberley today, said that her father ended up with a sore back following fall.

Ian also only realised later that he had lost his phone and had to return back to the stream to retrieve it.

Kimberley said: “His back was sore in the evening he said no wonder.

“Afterwards he realised he didn’t have his phone so he started to walk back to the car because he thought he left it there, but my sister found it further along the stream submerged in water.

“He put it in a cup of rice overnight and seems to be fine now.

“I was hysterically laughing but my sister waited a good 15minutes to check if he was ok before laughing about it.”

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