Home Business Mati Kochavi Presents: Generation Z Demands Better Media Quality

Mati Kochavi Presents: Generation Z Demands Better Media Quality

Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

Mati Kochavi, an Israeli technology entrepreneur, who took part in Calcalist’s Forecasts 2020 conference, held in Tel Aviv, spoke of how Generation Z will demand better media quality, a new standard which will require authentic, credible, entertaining, and most importantly, educational content.

At this conference, which was held in cooperation with the Psagot Investment House Ltd. (based in Israel) and Bank Hapoalim, Kochavi stated that it is Generation Z which made this digital environment, lives in it, although it isn’t native to it, which results in a sense of estrangement.

Mati Kochavi, who is the owner of Zurich-based internet-of-things (IoT) company AGT International, together with his daughter Maya, created a project based on the diaries of Eva Heyman, a 13-year-old girl who lived in Nagyvarad, Hungary, during the Nazi invasion.

The project Eva Stories is an Instagram project which, in 220 stories, depicts the life of Eva prior to her deportation in snippets. These stories chronicle Eva’s everyday life as if she had a smartphone and an Instagram profile, which she used to share her life with friends from all over the world, in a way all teenagers do nowadays.

Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

Eva.Stories has gained a huge success, reaching 300 million views. What made this project so popular is the fact that while creating it, Kochavi focused on following the values and principles which are guiding generation Z consumers.

Eva.Stories has recently won two Webby Awards at the 24th Annual Webby Awards, which is considered to be Oscars of the Internet.

In Eva.Stories, Eva is portrayed by a British actress; Eva is a happy, cheerful girl who spends time with her friends, dances, buys ice creams, laughs, and blows out birthday candles. She shares all of her moments on her Instagram profile as well as her desire to be a famous photographer.

These happy moments soon come to an end as the Nazis invade her town, capture Eva and her family members and take them to Auschwitz. The stories also share moments of terror, intimidation, yellow stars, and deportation itself.

Aside from this project, Kochavi has also created a documentary television series Dark Net, which explores the dark aspects of technology and the internet, including cyber-kidnapping, biohacking, digital warfare, pornography addiction, online cults, and webcam strippers, among many other themes.

This show’s first season premiered in 2016 on Showtime, followed by the second season in 2017.

Read more about why Mati Kochavi think it’s good to put the holocaust on Instagram

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