Home News Scottish News Highland Dancers Receive Musical Shock in BBC Surprise

Highland Dancers Receive Musical Shock in BBC Surprise


TWO YOUNG highland dancers were left amazed after the lead singer of their favourite band surprised them during a performance at an Argyll and Bute housing development.

Seven-year-old Lilly Davies, and 10-year-old friend Lois Cook from Dunoon were surprised by the lead singer of Highland folk band Skipinnish.

Band frontman, Norrie MacIver, performed at the Bield Housing and Care development, Dalriada Grove where the two dancers had been performing for the customers each week throughout lockdown.

The surprise was organised by the BBC after learning the girls had been dancing for people around their local community to help lift their spirits throughout lockdown.

This comes after BBC Scotland produced a one-off 60 minute programme called ‘Scotland’s People 2020: A Thank You’ which celebrated ordinary Scots who made a difference to their communities throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.

Dalriada Grove development manager, Carol Ledsom, shared the dancers had been a great source of entertainment and joy for customers over the last few months.

Carol, said: “Lois and Lilly have raised the spirits of everyone here at Dalriada Grove. When we learned the BBC wanted to organise a thank you surprise for the girls we were delighted.

“All of our customers looked forward to their weekly visits over the course of lockdown, and for them to keep coming back and providing joy and a sense of normality has been wonderful.

“It has been a form of escapism for all of us, and we know just how hard Lilly and Lois have worked to plan and perform every dance, so to play a part in their big thank you means a lot to everyone here at Dalriada Grove.”

The BBC programme, hosted by Jackie Bird, is due to air on Tuesday 22nd of December, and will feature unsung heroes from across Scotland, celebrating the selfless care and commitment they have shown throughout the year.

Lilly and Lois had teamed with Dunoon Burgh Hall Community Kitchen to provide heart-warming entertainment as meals were delivered.

A spokesperson, from Dunoon Burgh Hall Community Kitchen, said: “We are really proud of Lily and Lois, the pipers who accompanied them, and all our other wonderful volunteers, who prepared and delivered nutritious meals to vulnerable people throughout lockdown. We delivered meals throughout the local community seven days a week and Lily and Lois joined us on many Friday afternoons to lift the spirits of our clients.”

The band specialise in contemporary Celtic music featuring an array of instrumentals such as bagpipes and an accordion.

Dalriada Grove is one of several Bield Housing and Care developments situated across the country.

Bield is a registered charity which grew from humble beginnings, starting out with one housing development in Bo’ness to become a major provider of housing and care services for around 20,000 older people across 23 local authority areas.

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