Home Partner Posts The Revamp of the UK’s Gambling Act

The Revamp of the UK’s Gambling Act

Photo by Michal Parzuchowski on Unsplash

The UK Gambling Law has been on everyone’s agenda for quite some time. For many years the UK’s MPs have joined up in campaigning to revamp the UK’s Gambling ACT, and it seems that the revamp has finally arrived.

Since the introduction of the Gambling ACT in 2005, the world has changed, the gambling world has changed. Drastically. Today all our gambling is done online, where people can log onto a casino or a sports betting site , and play online. Wayback in 2005, things were quite different, where gamblers gambled either on sporting events and this only happened in land based betting sites. Nowadays everything is done online.

Photo by Michal Parzuchowski on Unsplash

An announcement that has been made officially, is the minimum age for playing the National Lottery. Before you could play at the official age of 16, today that is not allowed anymore. The new lottery now stands at 18, a change that will hopefully promote responsible gaming, and will prohibit youngsters from developing gambling addictions. The new revamped Gambling Act will also target online gaming with nee proposed stakes and spending limits, advertising and promotional offers along with more access and power being granted to the United Kingdom’s Gambling Commission. Bottom line: the UK and its parliament wants to target gambling as a whole, and reduce the risk of gambling addictions
that are flourishing in the United Kingdom.

The government’s statement said that it: “recognises the need to balance the enjoyment people get from gambling with the right regulatory framework and protections”.

At the end of the day, the government is there to protect the citizens, and the most problematic of issues being faced is problem gambling that effects both the gamblers and their respective families.

The new are revised gambling act, set to target the new gambling framework in the digital world, and is set to cover land based bookies located in your city centre, land based and online casinos, racecourses and even pier gambling establishments. The UK’s government feels that this is the only way that the UK can target and hopefully eradicate all forms of problem gambling, that could result in gambling addictions. Protecting people is the ultimate goal here.

Tough measures to protect people have always been on everyone’s agenda, and with the recent stance on marketing during football events, the banning of credit card usage for gambling purposes, stricter age verification measures, and also slashing of the fixed odds.

Unfortunately, we would need to wait till October 2021 to see the minimum age go up from 16 to 18 when it comes to gambling on the National Lottery. And to be fair, this new age cannot come any sooner. Following research, there is evidence that youngsters gamble in the Uk, so this new age proposal will tackle that matter. No gateways that will open the gates to gambling addictions should be left open.

Check a site with an online casino list to gamble responsibly, and make sure that you play for your own entertainment and fun.

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