Home News Woman raises more than £88,000 from tablet since 2003

Woman raises more than £88,000 from tablet since 2003

Fiona Edwards with the 2020 Cheque for The University of Dundee

A WOMAN has raised over £88,000 for cancer research by selling the sugary treat tablet.

Fiona Edwards, has been making and selling tablet since 2003 and has raised large amounts of money, with 2020 seeing her raise £3,100 alone.

Her latest fundraising will go towards helping the University of Dundee continue recruiting patients for a cancer study.

2020 Cheque by Fiona Edwards - Scottish News
Fiona Edwards with the 2020 Cheque for The University of Dundee

The money generated by Ms Edwards will help the University of Dundee’s School of Medicine  team led by Professor Andrew Evans  continue recruiting patients to the CONTEST study, which has been severely affected by COVID-19 restrictions.

Ms Edwards, 60, said:“I started the year brilliantly and by the end of February I was in record breaking territory for selling tablet,”

“Then, as we know, everything went pear shaped. I didn’t make a single bar through to June when I was able to sell it at Balhungie Berry Farm pop up summer shop.

“Most of the money is raised by me trekking round youth football matches on Sundays and selling to parents on the sidelines that hasn’t been possible due to restrictions.

“It has been disappointing but I’m glad I’ve still been able to raise more than £3000. The break has, however, enabled me to see what it is like to have a normal life instead of getting up and making two batches of tablet per day.

“I didn’t know what to do with myself in the first few months!”

The latest donation from Fiona will help the Universities’  team to continue recruiting until April.

The CONTEST study compares enhanced mammography a mammogram, after an injection of contrast, with MRI if the breast.

If contrast-enhanced mammography proves as effective as MRI then it will bring significant benefits for patients as it is faster, cheaper and can be carried out in the clinic.

The project was initially made possible by money raised by Fiona over the past few years.

Work was stopped earlier this year but the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government funded an extension to allow the project to restart last month.

Fiona started the year by picking up No 1 Magazine’s Amazing Lifetime Inspiration Award for her fundraising efforts but was forced to mothball her sweet treat factory when the UK went into lockdown in March.

Since then, she has been selling tablet as restrictions have allowed.

Professor Evans said, “The fact that Fiona has raised this amount during the COVID crisis is amazing.

“The money is much needed as we try to complete studies put on hold by the crisis, especially as the breast cancer charities which fund many of our studies have had their income drop substantially this year.”

Fiona’s exploits also help a second worthy cause as part of Balhungie Farm Shop’s profits go to helping provide meals for needy children in Africa. Through the charity ABC Africa, money raised this year will support schools in Namibia severely hit by COVID-19.

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