Home Sport Hibs Scott Allan comeback bid put on hold following Celtic Covid crisis

Scott Allan comeback bid put on hold following Celtic Covid crisis

Scott Allan hopes to feature in a bounce match in the near future

SCOTT ALLAN’S long-awaited return to action has been shelved as another consequence of Celtic’s Covid crisis.

Hibs were due to play a bounce game against the Hoops’ second string on Tuesday to allow both teams to give their fringe men some valuable minutes.

Allan, 29, was slated to feature at some point, with Hibees boss Jack Ross confirming at the weekend: “He has now been back in the group for several weeks and his load has increased in that period.

Scott Allan has been scouting for Hibs | Hibs news
Scott Allan hopes to feature in a bounce match in the near future

“Weather permitting we are hopeful we will have a bounce match on Tuesday that he will be involved in. That’s another big step forward.”

The mercurial playmaker has been absent since August due to an unspecified health issue but returned to training last month and has been gradually building his fitness ahead of a staggered return to contention.

However, the proposed fixture was cancelled because Celtic have been required to draft so many of their youngsters and reserve players into the first-team picture.

The Hoops are without 13 regulars who have been forced to isolate in the aftermath of Christopher Jullien’s positive Covid test, leaving them to manage their remaining resources carefully.

Those who are self-isolating – including boss Neil Lennon and assistant John Kennedy – will also be absent for this weekend’s clash against Livingston.

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