Home Business Aitken Turnbull announces restructuring of Scottish studios

Aitken Turnbull announces restructuring of Scottish studios

Alasdair Rankin, Managing Director of Aitken Turnbull

A SCOTTISH architect firm has announced it will implementing a wholesale restructuring of its studios in Scotland.

Aitken Turnbull’s latest announcement comes as the company predicts further growth in 2021 after a “strong performance” in 2020.

The new restructuring will allow the firm to create new positions in three separate locations across Scotland as work load continues to increase.

Alasdair Rankin Aitken and Turnbull - Business News Scotland
Alasdair Rankin, Managing Director of Aitken Turnbull says 2020 lays down a marker for the coming year for the firm.

Aitken Turnbull reported an excess of £1.5m in revenues in 2020 which will help towards restructuring its studios in Edinburgh, Galashiels and Dumfries.

The company says that the latest restructure will reaffirm their strategy to re-shape and align their focus into commercial, healthcare, education, leisure, civic and residential areas.

The company has also announced plans are in place to create new positions in each location as workloads increase which will add to its current compliment of 26 staff.

Alasdair Rankin, managing director of Aitken Turnbull said: “2020 was a big year for Aitken Turnbull and lays down a marker for the coming year.

“We completed our restructuring, formalised our studio structure and strengthened our local leadership teams, recruited to key roles and created new ones to better meet the needs of our clients.

“All of this was planned before we knew what challenges 2020 would bring and our ability to continue to move forward and complete these important changes is testament to the commitment and support of our staff and clients alike. 

“The key to our continual success is that we have always believed and practiced that design matters.”

One of Aitken Turnbull’s major contract completions last year was the delivery of Queen Elizabeth House, the UK Government’s 18000m2 flagship hub in Edinburgh.

Other recent developments have included design work on Wordsworth Hotel in Grasmere in the Lake District, Sergeant’s Park Affordable Housing in Newton St Boswells and a development for the Department of Work and Pensions in Birmingham, which form part of a national portfolio of work by Aitken Turnbull extending across the UK from The Isle of Skye to The Channel Islands.

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