Home News Local News Edinburgh residents watch 56 days of TV in a year according to...

Edinburgh residents watch 56 days of TV in a year according to research

(Photo by Murai .hr on Unsplash)Over half of Edinburgh based participants will be watching comedy shows according to the research

EDINBURGH residents are said to watch 56 days worth of TV a year according to new research published.

Residents are said to currently watch 28 hours every week, equating to 112 hours a month.

Over a quarter of respondents in the research added they could not live without their TV’s.

A picture of a stack of TV's - Scottish News
(Photo by Murai .hr on Unsplash)Over half of Edinburgh based participants will be watching comedy shows according to the research

Research suggests that in Edinburgh, the average household is set to enjoy 22 box set episodes, 10 sit-coms, six soap opera episodes and four football matches per month.

In an average month this year the research claims viewers in Edinburgh will  watch 14 reruns of their favourite shows, nine films, seven game shows and five reality shows, as well as a staggering 73 YouTube videos.

According to the research, conducted by Samsung, people in Edinburgh will fall asleep in front of the TV three times, have four family feuds over what to watch in a month.

Deep Halder, Head of TV/AV Retail & Content Services, Samsung Electronics UK Ltd said:“As the nation is set to spend even more time at home this year, many of us will be turning to our TVs to provide some comfort and light relief during these times.

“The survey also showed that selecting what to view on TV isn’t always plain sailing, with the average Edinburgh household spending 10 minutes per day bickering over what to watch and 15 minutes flicking through the channels.

“One of the biggest frustrations, however, is often finding the remote in the first place, with the research revealing that they spend seven minutes every day searching for the elusive item.”

66% of the respondents in Edinburgh based adults admitting comedy is their favourite type of programme to watch.

This was closely followed by documentaries 46% true crime 36% game shows 34% and light entertainment 32%

The research claims  Edinburgh is shifting from watching traditional terrestrial TV to using more modern streaming platforms.

38% of  households prefer to use this platform over anything else to get their entertainment fix.

Other popular streaming platforms across Edinburgh include Amazon Prime 10% Disney+ 6% and BBC iPlayer 8%.

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