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Derek Moneyberg: “The secret to success is focusing on long term goals instead of short gains”


Thousands of people strive to achieve their goals. One of the biggest challenges as an entrepreneur is prioritizing your goals and deciding on the way forward. According to celebrated wealth coach Derek Moneyberg, to become successful, one must be ready to sacrifice short term gratification and remain focused on long term goals.

Derek Moneyberg

“People often believe there’s some tightrope walk or juggling routine involved between long-term goals and short-term goals,” said Moneyberg, “But for me, it’s a no-brainer. You’re either in it for the long-run, or you’re not in the race at all.” Derek believes that real players keep their eye on the prize and refuse to get sidetracked or distracted. Derek asserts that being able to comprehend the big picture truly separates the winners from the losers.”

Moneyberg practices what he preaches. He quit his job as manager of a Wal-mart store when he was 19 because he felt working for someone else was slowly suffocating his real talent and ambition. Moneyberg said, “To the outside world it looked like I was doing ok as a teenager. I was managing my store and making a decent enough pay-packet for someone my age. But I thought, ‘If I settle for this now and get too comfortable, I’ll still be here in ten years, doing pretty much the same thing. I decided to spread my wings and try my hand at something with a little more of a future.”

Moneyberg gave up the security of steady employment to risk it all on the big stakes of real estate. It paid off. Although the road was rocky at times, he kept his eye on what he hoped to achieve in the long-term, and his tenacity and perseverance were eventually rewarded.

Moneyberg is now the owner of a multi-million coaching company. As a wealth coach, he uses his particular skill-set to help others become a success.

Moneyberg said, “I get results from my clients because I take a no-nonsense and tough love approach. If they want me to help them, I make it crystal clear that their feelings do not matter to me. What matters is helping them achieve their long-term goals. It’s my job to unleash that second wind and keep them focused on the end-game.” Derek firmly believes that this mantra holds the key to success

The results speak for themselves. There’s a reason why Moneyberg is celebrated as one of the successful wealth coaches in the world today.

“I believe if you commit to yourself to any endeavor for the long-haul, then the rewards are endless,” said Moneyberg. “However, if the short-term gain is your thing, prepare for a concise journey to a destination marked ‘nowhere.”


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