Home In Brief Chinese takeaway creates bizarre Red Light District themed window – complete with...

Chinese takeaway creates bizarre Red Light District themed window – complete with pregnancy test

Mr Chang's red light takeaway

A CHINESE takeaway has created a bizarre Red Light District themed window display in a bit to entice customers.

Rice Bowl in Derry, Northern Ireland decided to decorate their shopfront on Saturday to look more like a brothel in Amsterdam.

The takeaway, which includes the slogan “Fill your box” at the front of the building, has turned an entire window red and installed a female mannequin.

The brunette mascot is wearing a tight, satin dress with the words “enjoy” emblazoned across her chest.

She has also been given a makeover with red lipstick, heavy blusher and thick black eyeshadow.

The Rice Bowl's mannequin
Mr Chang’s dolled up mannequin

The female dummy, who is clutching a white towel, has been propped up against a table filled with rose petals and pregnancy tests.

Red, see-through curtains with love hearts have also been added to the erotic installment.

Takeaway owner, Mr Chang, said he created the outlandish display so that he could trick people into coming into his establishment.Speaking today, he said: “I thought if I renovated my shop window like the Red Light District then I might be able to attract the attention of a passing car.

“Then when they found out it wasn’t a real Red Light District and only a mannequin, then they might think to themselves ‘I may as well get a curry while I am here’ and that will have to do me.

“My plan never worked, the only cars that it attracted were police cars.

“Hopefully they are single police or they will be caught sneaking about looking in windows at mannequins.”

Mr Chang added: “Because of all these lock downs, people are not going out as much anymore.

“No customers are coming in to the take away anymore, everyone is ordering deliveries.

“I miss talking to people in person.”

Mr Chang’s red light takeaway

Mr Chang ended up even delivering a pack of Durex condoms to one randy customer who requested the protection along with their takeaway on Sunday.

The unconventional Chinese takeaway also includes a range of household items and safe sex products on their takeaway menu.

They sell a two pack of Sure Sign pregnancy tests for £4.99 and a six pack of Durex Extra Safe condoms, also priced at £4.99.

Other products include loo roll, Calpol, cigarette skins, hand sanitiser, Lemsip and kitchen foil.

The Rice Bowls alternative products

Mr Chang added: “Pregnancy tests are a big seller on a Sunday would you believe.

“I think it is because there is nowhere else to get them on a Sunday.

“Before lock down last year they only really sold well on a Saturday night.

“Then when full lock down started around March 2020, there was a huge boom in condom sales followed a few months later by pregnancy test sales.

“People are fed with being locked up. They must be, sure my sales prove it.

“I do wonder what will happen when these women give birth and their children have got to the age when they ask their mother ‘Mum what did you do when you found out you were pregnant with me?’

“Surely the mother has to say, ‘I’ll never forget the day I found out I was pregnant with you, I ordered a chicken curry and pregnancy test from Mr Chang.”

Mr Chang

Rice Bowl posted a short clip showing the grand reveal of their new shopfront on Saturday, to the delight of their customers.

Paul Paulo Nixon said: “Is that the new “fill your box” deal?”

Lisa Hamill Hutton wrote: “Is this Amsterdam?”

And another cheeky customer, commented: “Did she get her box filled Mr Chang?”

This isn’t the first time that Mr. Chang’s takeaway has attempted an elaborative scheme.

Last year Rice Bowl pranked it’s customers with a giant shopfront picture which made it seem open for business, when in fact they were closed for Mr Chang’s wedding. 

The shop also went viral just last month as the takeaway’s Facebook page posted a hilarious rant over customers failing to answer the door to delivery drivers. 

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