Home Partner Posts 6 Reasons Why You Should Go on a Safari in Uganda

6 Reasons Why You Should Go on a Safari in Uganda

Photo by Hu Chen on Unsplash

Are you thinking about going on a safari in Africa? Have you wondered why most tourists still choose and flock into Uganda for an African safari experience? Perhaps there are a few hidden secrets you should know about Uganda per adventure travel and you will figure out why many people flock into Uganda for a true African safari experience.

Uganda still remains not fully explored hence rewards travelers with authentic eco safari experiences. Whether you are looking up to a guided safari or a self drive safari, a lot awaits you for the next safari in Uganda. Some of the hidden adventure secrets of Uganda worth including on your African safari bucket list can be traced in the reasons below;

A picture of a safari
Photo by Hu Chen on Unsplash
  1. Large number of mountain gorillas

Uganda is the best destination for primate safaris and mountain gorilla trekking tops the list of adventure activities that do not miss on most travelers’ bucket lists.  With about 1060 mountain gorillas left on planet earth today, more than 500 of the total mountain gorilla population lives within the tropical rainforests of Uganda.  The population is shared between Mgahinga gorilla national park and Bwindi impenetrable forest national park; which hosts more than 470 of the total mountain gorilla population in Uganda.

Gorilla trekking is one of Uganda’s hidden secrets. The journey, the jungle and the mountain gorilla encounter all sum up the experience as a special wrapped gift coupled with an amazing trekking adventure. Looking into the pensive eyes of the mountain gorillas in their natural home is an experience that you will never fade from your memories!

The endangered mountain gorillas are jealously protected. But all this is made possible by the generous support of the gorilla trekkers. Every gorilla trekking permit empowers community sensitization against poaching as well as research and manning up the team that protects the jungle.

These great ape tourism sites are located in the south western side of the country and can be reached by road and air. With this large gorilla population; you have 98% chances of spotting the mountain gorillas on any given day.

  1. Distinct wildlife and splendid national parks

A safari in Uganda is never complete without wildlife and national parks game drives. Uganda is gifted with a number of wildlife species including the big game (elephants, buffaloes, rhinos, leopards, lions plus the tree climbing lions). Of course these can be found in some other parts of Africa but the environment in which they survive in Uganda is what gives Uganda’s wildlife a distinction from the rest of Africa.

Birding is also another good reason many people are often making Uganda their next African safari destination. The country is home to about 1078 bird species that call this country their home. The diversity of birds is rich and it includes local, rare and migratory bird species.

With 10 different national parks; hiking, game drives, nature walks, cultural encounters and primate tracking gives Uganda an edge over most of the other African countries.

  1. Home to source of the mighty Nile

The Nile is the longest river on the African continent. Though its source is contested by some people; the majority vote considers Uganda as the source of the Nile which is situated in Jinja in the eastern side of the country. This splendid treasure is remarkably one of the major tourist attractions in the country.

Whether you have been to Egypt, or Sudan, or Ethiopia or any other country that shares in the life of the Nile; the greatest wonders of the Nile are found in Uganda. This river attracts many adventure enthusiasts who are looking to enjoying the breathtaking adrenaline adventure experiences. Go for the exhilarating white water rafting along the roaring cataracts of the Nile close to its source in Jinja, kayaking, jet boating, canoeing, horseback riding along the shores and a lot more.


You can also go bungee jumping to get plunged into the Nile. If you are looking to exploring the Nile; Entebbe, Kampala and Jinja are ideal bases for a few days explorations since they are within day tripping distances.

  1. Ideal climate

It is not common to find a place where you can afford to wear your t-shirt without any cardigan throughout the year. Due to its strategic location at the Equator, Uganda features among the very few most remarkable safari destinations with ideal climatic conditions.

Its equatorial climate favors most of the safaris and generally it is all year round destination. A visit to this magical destination allows you to enjoy its mild sun shine and refreshing conditions.

  1. Home to exceptional mountains

Whenever you talk about snow in Africa, all thoughts often flood to South Africa but Uganda is one of those few African countries where you can find snow all the year long. It often goes with a tagline; snow at the equator. Rwenzori Mountains which are also known as the mountains of the moon offer this special snow at the equator encounter.

Hiking through these magical and mysterious mountains rewards you with life changing experiences. Other incredible mountains that are worth exploring while on a Uganda safari include Mount Elgon, Muhabura, Mgahinga also popular as Gahinga and many more.

  1. Affordable Destination

Uganda is the most affordable safari destination in East Africa. Whether you are a luxury seeker or a budget traveler, you have something to do in Uganda. For those who are looking to guided tours, there lots of packaged tour offers from local tour operators.

Are you on a shoestring budget but want to venture out on an amazing holiday? Even with a little budget, you can get a reliable Uganda Car rental and get to explore the beautiful side of Uganda on a leisurely self-guided trip. All you need is to book a 4×4 vehicle and venture into the remote places of Uganda.


Aside from the above reasons, there are more exciting things that will attract you to Uganda. The most hospitable nation on the African continent is eager to welcome you so that you can get a second home!

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