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Family of tragic sextortion teen Daniel Perry “not holding breath” for justice seven years after death

Pictured: Daniel Perry.

THE FAMILY of tragic sextortion victim Daniel Perry have said they wont “hold their breath” in getting justice for the teen.

Daniel’s uncle Ron Reilly today said that the investigation into the 17-year-old’s tragic death “has never budged” in over seven years.

Daniel, from Dunfermline in Fife, jumped off the Forth Road Bridge in 2013 after falling prey to an online scam where he believed he was chatting to an American girl his same age.

Family of tragic sextortion teen Daniel Perry "not holding breath - Scottish News
Pictured: Daniel Perry.

A recording of their Skype chat was used by a group of scammers to blackmail the youngster when they threatened to share the footage if he didn’t pay up.

The threats proved too much for the popular mechanic who took to the bridge that same evening and never returned home.

A warrant was issued in 2016 for accused cyber criminal Archie Gian Tolin to be extradited from the Philippines to stand trial in Scotland.

However, Mr Reilly said that eight years on, the family are no further forward and claims that The Philippine Government are refusing to release Mr Tolin.

Daniel, 17, from Dunfermline, believed he was talking in private to a girl on Skype but criminals demanded cash in return for not releasing the tape to his family.

Speaking today, he said: “It has not gone anywhere at all, it has never budged.

“There was a change of leadership in the Philippines and they wouldn’t do anything, they refused to extradite them.

“My sister and the family are naturally still hoping that eventually something will happen – but I certainly wont hold my breath.

“The Scottish Government are doing nothing – the police done all they could.”

In 2013 Mr Reilly revealed how he went to Daniel’s bedroom on the night of his death and found his laptop showcasing the sickening scam that led to his death.

The sick scammers apparently told the teen he “would be dead” if he didn’t give in to their demands.

At the time Mr Reilly said: “We found his laptop, it was still on and the last page he was on was open.

Daniel killed himself by jumping off the Forth Road Bridge hours after falling foul of a internet blackmail scam.

“I saw a picture of a girl who looked 16 or 17 and she was very pretty.

“They had been typing and swapping pictures with each other.

“Their relationship, if you can call it that, was more chatroom orientated, they were writing to each other a lot.

“It was a financial scam, the girl wasn’t real, then they have demanded money from him.”

In 2014 Daniel’s mother, Nicola Perry said: “The manner of Daniel’s death is every parent’s nightmare.

“If we are to make sure that no other parent or family member loses a loved one in the way we lost Daniel then people must take care when talking to others online and not share intimate pictures or personal information that could be used against them.”

An electronic trail tracked by police revealed that the people responsible where from Manila in the Philippines.

A spokesman for the Crown Office & Procurator Fiscal Service today said: “The investigation is ongoing.

“A warrant has been issued for the arrest of Archie Gian Tolin in connection with the death of Daniel Perry.”

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