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New feminist movement launches in Scotland aiming to tackle sexist and misogynistic rules across Scottish society. 

Change the Chat, has launched in Scotland and has already set its sights on our political structures ahead of the election in May. The project is led by Ruth McElroy and Emma Walker, who until recently worked in politics and saw firsthand how women are repeatedly let down by a system that is not designed with their participation in mind.

A NEW movement has been launched in Scotland which aims to challenge sexist and misogynistic rules across Scottish society.

Change the Chat has been created by Ruth McElroy and Emma Walker who until recently worked in politics and say they “ Saw firsthand how women are repeatedly let down by a system that is not designed with their participation in mind.”

The movement has stated that it has already set its sights on political structures ahead of the election in May.

Change The Chat is the flagship project from Provoke, a wider organisation “seeking social change across a range of issues.

Change The Chat logo - Scottish News
The project is led by Ruth McElroy and Emma Walker, who until recently worked in politics and saw firsthand how women are repeatedly let down by a system that is not designed with their participation in mind.

The group says it exists to bring women from all communities and backgrounds together to call out sexism in all its forms, and to bring real solutions instead of “sticking-plaster cover-ups which are so often the case.”

It includes ProvokeCast podcast and a peer support network for women looking for support from another woman with similar experience.

Change the Chat has been created with the aim of bringing women together to challange sexism and the solutions with campaigns created by and for the intersectional community of Scottish women.

Emma Walker Director of Change the Chat

Emma Walker, Director said: “Change The Chat has been over a year in the making, but it feels like it could have been borne out of the events of the last fortnight.

“Women are being abused, intimidated and killed every day in their own homes, on their streets and in their workplaces.

“When women do call it out they are gaslit, silenced or appeased with the tired “mistakes have been made, lessons will be learnt” rhetoric.

“And on it goes. We are a growing movement of women who aren’t going to rest until we see real change. There’s room for all women so please join us.” 

Free online events such as The Conversation Starter Town Hall are open to all women to contribute their ideas for change, and get involved in campaigns.

The Speakeasy programme, for women who have experienced traumatic events such as rape, pregnancy discrimination or sexism in politics to come together to share, support and campaign, will begin in April. 

Ruth McElroy, Director of Change The Chat

Ruth McElroy, Director said:  “Emma and I have long been agitating for change and are so pleased to have found our niche to create it.

“Change starts with having the difficult or uncomfortable conversations to share experiences and ideas in a safe space.

“Our dream is to facilitate these conversations and empower our community to go out into the world and make those changes happen.”

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