Home News Scots restaurant brands customer “attention seeking” after sharing images of his disappointing...

Scots restaurant brands customer “attention seeking” after sharing images of his disappointing burger

The Twitter post

A SCOTS restaurant has hit back at a customer who shared disappointing images of their order by branding him “attention seeking”.

Down The Hatch, based in South Queensferry,

Edinburgh, hit back at Joe Steele after he posted images on Twitter captioned “Expectation vs reality”.

One image shows a screenshot from Down the Hatch’s Instagram page showing their daily special, The Jerk burger – priced at £15 including their Buffalo Fries.

The tantalising meal which the customer ordered shows a burger filled with smoked pork shoulder, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, melted cheese and several dressings.

UK News
The burger special

Alongside this, the customer from Boness, Falkirk shared a photograph of what he was served showing a plain, flat-looking beef burger without any salad in sight.

Joe posted the images onto social media on Sunday where it has attracted over 8,000 comments and comments from followers who have said they would be “raging”.

However, Down the Hatch decided they weren’t going to take the criticism lightly and responded, writing: “Hi Joe…. Quite obvious you’ve taken items off your burger or ordered without items. 

“We are 100% confident we would never send a special like that… attention seeking hey?”

Joe shared a screenshot of the order that came to £36.45 for “The Hatch Burger”, two milkshakes and two sides of fries one with poutine and one buffalo fries. 

The Twitter exchange blew up with almost 300 retweets, more than 8400 likes and hundreds of comments.

@Muzz1875 said: “Fucking hell. That’s like ordering a mail order bride and you think you’re getting Margot Robbie whereas in reality you’re getting Margot with a boaby.” 

@NatashaKosti added: “I’d be raging.”

@stuart_fearn replied: “I spent £42 on two burgers, two portion of loaded fries and a milkshake and can honestly say it was the sh**est scran ever.

The comparison pictures

“He got the same as me.

“You seek attention with your mental pictures and bash out shite food. Utter shite food from you. So stop acting the big man.” 

However, some foodies weighed into the thread and supported the diner.

@Kasabianite said: “I live near Down The Hatch and have ordered pretty regularly since they opened. I’ve literally never been disappointed by their specials.”  

@Liam|11| said: “What do you expect when you order it without all the toppings on the picture.” 

Joe later added it was probably a mix up but he was not impressed with the restaurants response, writing “I was the same till I got that order, it’s probably just a case of a mixed up order with someone else but for them to tweet me trying to say I’m attention seeking is hilarious haha.”

Down The Hatch have been contacted for comment.

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