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Dad releases book after taking his kids around the world

The Amazon river in which the Pilbeams visited on their travels (Photo by Nareeta Martin on Unsplash)

IAN Pilbeam decided when his kids were aged 7 and 9 that the time was right to take them out of school to travel the world.

The families travels included climbing Machu Picchu, sailing down the Amazon and Borneo, feeding lemurs in Madagascar and swimming with sealions in the Galapagos Islands. 

He wrote the book ‘Are We There Yet?’ within four months during the second lockdown last year about the families adventures. 

author ian pilbeams family| Uk and World
Ian Pilbeam and his family after climbing Machu Picchu

After moving to Edinburgh from the Isle of Wight, the couple decided in 2008 to take the kids out of school and explore the globe. 

Mr Pilbeam said: “Over the last year the lockdowns have given many of us the chance to reflect on life and in my case feel grateful for what we have, which took me back to the time I traveled with the family and learned how to be more resilient and in the moment and appreciate the small things in life.

“It was the perfect time for me to write Are We There Yet? not only to share our incredible experiences but also to inspire other people to explore the world like we did, as soon as it is safe again.

“I am really looking forward to sharing the story of our worldwide adventure, all the highs and lows, and also why I made the decision to take the kids out of school to do it in the first place at Love your Business networking event later in the month.”

The Amazon river in which the Pilbeams visited on their travels (Photo by Nareeta Martin on Unsplash)

Michelle Brown, who founded Love Your Business monthly networking club said: “I’m delighted that Ian is joining us as our guest speaker this month.

“He has a wonderfully inspiring story to tell of the fantastic experience he shared with his family travelling around the world and how this led to him starting his own company.”

The self-published book has sold over 300 copies on Amazon as interest continues to grow about the families journey.

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