Home News Scots graphic designer reunited with “time capsule” wallet he lost 20 years...

Scots graphic designer reunited with “time capsule” wallet he lost 20 years ago at pub

Ryan now with his old ID A SCOTS graphic designer has been reunited with his wallet that he lost 20 years ago - and it was found outside the same pub where he last had it. Ryan Seymour, from Lochgelly, Fife, was reunited with his wallet and all his bank cards and ID cards still inside last week (29 MAY). The 37-year-old had been visiting The Elizabethan pub in Dunfermline, Fife around 2001 to have drinks with his friends when he lost the wallet - with £60 cash inside. Ryan was shocked when was contacted by police on Facebook on 26 April this year to inform him that his wallet had been handed in, although the cash had been stolen. The personalised wallet had been handed by a passer-by who had spotted it in a bush outside the boozer he had been visiting at the time. The lost wallet dates back to a time when Tony Blair was Prime Minister, you could still rent a video from Blockbuster and pints were on sale in places for less than £3. Ryan snapped images of his wallet after collecting it from Dunfermline Police Station, showing a younger version of himself in his photographic ID.

Ryan Seymour, from Lochgelly, Fife, was reunited with his wallet and all his bank cards and ID cards still inside last week.

The 37-year-old had been visiting The Elizabethan pub in Dunfermline, Fife in 2001 to have drinks with his friends when he lost the wallet – with £60 cash inside.

Ryan was shocked when was contacted by police on Facebook on 26 April this year to inform him that his wallet had been handed in, although the cash had been stolen.

Ryan now with his old ID

The personalised wallet had been handed by a passer-by who had spotted it in a bush outside the boozer he had been visiting at the time.

The lost wallet dates back to a time when Tony Blair was Prime Minister, you could still rent a video from Blockbuster and pints were on sale in places for less than £3. 

Ryan snapped images of his wallet after collecting it from Dunfermline Police Station, showing a younger version of himself in his photographic ID.

He shared images of the worn wallet on Twitter on Saturday, writing: “Well ladies and gents.

“You might remember a few weeks ago, the police got in touch to say my wallet had been handed in, that was stolen 20 YEARS AGO. Well. Here it is…” 

Ryan’s had initially posted on Twitter about being contacted by the police about his wallet on the 26 April this year.

The Elizabethan pub in Dunfermline, Fife (c) Google

Sharing screenshots of the messages from a police officer, he wrote: “Just got this message and honestly I can’t stop laughing.

“Somebody has handed a wallet into the police that I lost 20 YEARS AGO. hahahaha.”

The screenshots show a Facebook message from an officer called Gillian, who wrote: “Hi Ryan, I know this will seem a bit random but did you lose a black wallet with your name embossed on it years ago.

“I work at Dunfermline Police Station and someone has found a wallet in a hedge and handed it in this morning which may belong to you. It has a work pass and cards which expired in 2004.

“If it is yours and you would like it back please feel free to pop down to the station where we will hold it. Thank you Gillian.”

Ryan replied: “Hi Gillian. Honestly it was so long ago I can barely remember, but I do recall somebody stealing my wallet I left in a toilet cubicle by accident years ago.
“Amazed it’s shown up, I will pop in and grab it purely for sentimental reasons. Thanks for getting in touch.” 

An old card from 2004

Speaking today Ryan said: “The police messaged me about four weeks ago. It took me a while to get around to collecting it. They said somebody found it in a bush very near the pub it was stolen from.

“£60 was in it. I remember the exact amount because it’s been a running joke with my friend who was with me that he was due me the money. 

“We are still good friends. He’s finding this whole thing hilarious. We just went out for a few games of pool and a few pints that day.

“It’s all a bit of a blur. A total contrast to my life now that I’m married with a two year old. Back then it was party time.

Ryan added: “It was funny to see me as fresh faced and innocent on my old employee card but the VHS rental card made me chuckle I must admit.

“I still have no idea what that ringtones card is all about!”

Ryan’s tweet has been liked almost 3,000 times and hundreds of retweets and comments on Twitter.

@juniorlight wrote: “How gutted would you be if this happened after cancelling all your cards.”

@billyboii786 commented: “I guess the thief turned a new leaf in their life.”

And @MartinCalvert_ added: “I forgot Switch even existed.”

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