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Scotland team shares videos expressing what makes country unique

Andy Robertson challenged his fans and teammates to tell him they're Scottish without telling him they're Scottish.

The SCOTTISH national team has shared videos showing what makes their country unique in the lead up to the squads first major tournament in 23 years. 

Scotland captain Andy Robertson was filmed asking his teammates and fans to “tell me you’re Scottish without telling me you’re Scottish”. 

Scottish players, John McGinn, Declan Gallagher and Steven O’Donnell jumped in with their own thoughts on what makes Scotland special heading into the Euros

In one video, midfielder McGinn replies: “You celebrate promotion to the premier league with a cold can of Irn-Bru.” 

Whilst Gallagher responded saying: “Wear shorts and t-shirt for training, no matter the weather.” 

O’Donnell acknowledges the risks of the familiar pasty Scottish sun, replying: “When you train in the sun, factor 50 comes out.”

The Scotland national team shared the videos on TikTok this week which have now collected over over one million views and 100,000 likes. 

The series has also collected over 2,500 comments from TikTok users who were feeling patriotic in the lead up to Monday.

Scotland football captain Andy Robertson | Scottish Football News
Andy Robertson challenged his fans and teammates to tell him they’re Scottish without telling him they’re Scottish.          (C) Scottish National Team TikTok

Myles Omar wrote: “Oh aye, love this.”

James Gray said: “We don’t have any plastic fans. Mon the Scotland.”

Cathay Grant replied: “I support any team that’s playing England.”

Glasgow Rocks added: “We know how to pronounce Milngavie.”

Harris McLeod added: “Come on Scotland, we love you.” 

Scotland are set to open their first major tournament in 23 years with a game against Czech Republic on Monday. 

The team will play a minimum of three games as they compete in Group D, including matches against Croatia and rivals England. 

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