Home News Coronavirus News Josh Taylor slams Sturgeon over Scotland’s lockdown restrictions

Josh Taylor slams Sturgeon over Scotland’s lockdown restrictions

Taylor slammed the Scottish government over their lockdown restrictions in a series of tweets.

SCOTS boxing champ Josh Taylor has publicly slammed Nicola Sturgeon over Scotland’s “totally and utterly farcical” lockdown restrictions. 

The undisputed world champion called the First Minister out on Twitter last night by comparing Scotland and England’s bar closing times. 

The 30-year-old posted a series of tweets over the last week criticising the Scottish Government’s continued lockdown restrictions.

Unified boxing champ Josh Taylor | Scottish Sports News
Taylor slammed the Scottish government over their lockdown restrictions in a series of tweets.        (C) Josh Taylor Twitter

Taylor, from Prestonpans, East Lothian, even shared a post to his Instagram story last night which openly criticised the use of Covid-19 vaccines. 

Over the course of the week, Taylor’s tweets referring to Scotland’s lockdown measures read: “So in London all bars are back open to 1am. 

“Yet in Scotland it’s 10pm for all bars etc. 

“Covid must be heavy in Scotland after 10pm.

“@NicolaSturgeon pull your finger out and let the hospitality industry get back on its feet!”

He went on to criticise the amount of supporters allowed at the Euro 2020 games currently being held at Glasgow’s Hampden Park, writing: “Crowds at the Denmark and Belgium game yet only 12k at Hampden for games. 

“It’s totally and utterly farcical!”

Taylor also predicted that Scotland would soon enter another national lockdown, writing: “So restrictions till at least the end of July now, guess what come winter, 
another lockdown. 

“The never ending circle.” 

Amongst other points Taylor was unhappy with Scotland’s bar closing times.

The series of tweets have now collected over 9,000 likes and over 200 comments from followers who were mixed in their responses.

@GerardCross3 wrote: “Wait till you see England in a few weeks time, they’ll be back in lockdown.”

To which Taylor replied: “It’s already planned. 

“We’ll be in lockdown again in a few months.”

@ddb137 said: “My daughter works in hospitality, the place is buzzing.

“Josh you don’t know what you’re talking about!

“Stick to boxing! First Minister is doing a knockout job.”

@cmckopite1983 commented: “Absolute joke now. 

“This is a pure power grab. 

“Let’s wait for the number of infections to go to zero…

“We’ll still be here in 2050.”

@DavidPSNP joked: “I love you Josh. You’re the champ. 

“But if you tell our @NicolaSturgeon what to do again, you and I are going to go rounds.”

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