Home News Scottish Weather Amateur photographer snaps stunning image of Saltire in the sky above Scots...

Amateur photographer snaps stunning image of Saltire in the sky above Scots mountains

Richard captured the unique image overlooking the Cuillin mountains last week. (C) Richard Smith/isleofskye.com

AN AMATEUR photographer has snapped an image of a Saltire above the Cuillins in Scotland.

Richard Smith captured the stunning cloud formation above the Black Cuillin Mountains on the Isle of Skye last week. 

The spectacular shot shows the recognisable Saltire shape above the mountain peaks.

The amazing Saltire sky - Scottish Nature News
Richard captured the unique image overlooking the Cuillin mountains last week.                 (C) Richard Smith/isleofskye.com

Richard, 70, took the photo from nearby Elgol Beach and managed to snap two boats in the water in front.

Local travel company IsleofSkye.com posted the snap on their Facebook page last Thursday, writing: “A Saltire in the sky over the Black Cuillin Mountains.”

The post now has over 6,300 likes and over 100 comments from impressed Scots.

Jill Wiley Gill said: “Oh my gosh… God’s masterpiece!” 

Alan Sherry said: “Brilliant picture.” 

Kenneth Adamson said: “Fantastic image!” 

And Sandra Tebbs commented: “It’s one of the best views of the world.” 

Amateur photographer Richard took the stunning snaps near Elgol Beach. (C) Richard Smith/isleofskye.com

Speaking today, Richard said: “I was out with the South Skye Camera Club, there were four of us out to capture the sunset. 

“I arrived at the car park and commented on the Saltire and I quickly took a photo of it. 

“It was really good to see, I’m always looking for features people would be interested in. 

“As a photographer, you’re always looking for that special moment, and you’ve got to be out there to capture it.”

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