Home News Animal News Amateur photographer left in stitches after capturing unflattering photo of puffin excreting

Amateur photographer left in stitches after capturing unflattering photo of puffin excreting

The pooing puffin was captured by Sean Rooney on the Island of Lunga.

A HILARIOUS image posted to social media has captured the exact unflattering moment a puffin relieved itself in dramatic fashion.

Sean Rooney caught the picture of the puffin by chance on the Island of Lunga, Argyll and Bute, last Tuesday. 

The 50-year-old amateur wildlife photographer captured the unique image of the bird whilst on a boat tour from the Isle of Mull, just east of Lunga.

Pooing puffin - photography news Scotland
The pooing puffin was captured by Sean Rooney on the Island of Lunga.                                                       (Sean Rooney)

Photos show the small puffin perched on a grassy knoll on a rock with a projectile of white feaces firing out of its rear.

The image shows the white stream of poo looping out over the rock at a length nearly double the size of the puffin.

Administration manager Sean posted the picture on Facebook on Monday with the caption “When you’ve got to go, you’ve got to go.” 

Speaking today, Sean said: “Five of us, all wildlife photographers from Manchester, went to Mull.

“It was a trip we booked in 2019, we had to rebook because of Covid in 2020 and thought we would have to cancel this year as well.

“I got into wildlife photography three years ago and love it. Mull is a magical place and now I have been, I hope to return many times.

“We were on a boat trip to Staffa and Lunga.

“I was looking for good photo compositions on the island of Lunga, when I saw the puffin. It was sat on a great perch and the photo had a great clean background.

“I could not stop laughing as just as I pressed the shutter, the bird decided to get rid of the contents of its stomach!”

Sean posted the hilarious image to Facebook.

The post now has over 100 likes, with several people showing their appreciation for the pooing puffin. 

Neil Biswaß said: “That’s like the space shuttle trail after lift off.” 

Pete Warden commented: “The same happened to me when I went on the sand eel diet!” 

Pat Pack replied: “Amazing picture!” 

Rachelle Stone added: “And that is why puffin colonies are quite so wiffy.” 

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