Home News Coronavirus News Balearic Islands removed from Scotland’s travel green list

Balearic Islands removed from Scotland’s travel green list

Photo by Ross Parmly on Unsplash. These changes all come into effect at 0400 on Monday 19 July.

RISING case rates have led the Balearic Islands to be removed from the international travel green list for Scotland.

The decision was taken on a four nations basis, and will also see the British Virgin Islands removed from the green list.

Both islands will become amber, and travellers must follow isolation and testing rules that apply.

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Photo by Ross Parmly on Unsplash. These changes all come into effect at 0400 on Monday 19 July.

An improved position in Bulgaria, Croatia, Hong Kong and Taiwan mean they are all added to the green list.

Cuba, Indonesia, Myanmar, and Sierra Leone will be added to the red list, with arrivals required to enter quarantine hotels for 10 days.

The previously announced change for UK residents who have been fully vaccinated by the NHS returning from amber list countries will also come into force then.

Minister for Environment, Biodiversity and Land Reform Mairi McAllan said: “From the outset we have said caution is required regarding international travel and people should think very carefully about travelling abroad as situations can suddenly change.

“When we added the Balearic Islands to the green list we said we would be closely monitoring the data, and the increase in cases we have seen means we now have to take it off the green list.”

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