Home News Animal News Patriotic Scot William strikes up “bromance” with Maine Coon Wallace

Patriotic Scot William strikes up “bromance” with Maine Coon Wallace

Wallace even follows William around outside.

A PATRIOTIC Scot called William has struck up an unlikely “bromance” with his aptly named Maine Coon cat, Wallace. 
William Fraser, a 50-year-old taxi driver from Poolewe in the Highlands, and massive moggy Wallace, 3, have their own Facebook page highlighting their relationship. 
William and Wallace have become inseparable since the cat was re-homed from previous owners who found him “too big, too greedy and too demanding”.

William and Wallace kilt - Animal News Scotland
Patriotic Scot William felt he just had to call the cat Wallace.                                                                 (C) Katrina Stewart

But William fell in love with the fluffy feline who spends most of his days perched on his shoulder – even while going for walks.

And 90cm long Wallace’s favourite sleeping spot is wrapped around William’s neck.
William’s partner Kat, 47, had been posting pictures of the patriotic pair in a Maine Coon Facebook group and have become a hit amongst fans from across the globe.
She eventually started a Facebook page for the pair in May this year and has been sharing William and Wallace’s “bromance” ever since. 
The page currently has 690 followers, many of whom are fans from the United States who enjoy William’s Scottish patriotism and the Highland scenery. 
Many of the pictures shared on the page show Wallace, named after the historical icon, perched on William’s shoulders or taking a cat nap around his neck. 
One image shows the 6kg cat, who will likely continue to bulk up until he is five, clinging to his owner’s shoulder whilst William shows his patriotism in a red kilt. 
Speaking today, William, who is also a part time lifeguard, said: “Wallace goes out at night so I let him in again in the morning, and usually he’s crying because he wants to be fed. 
“Then he just wants cuddles.
“He follows me everywhere and he’s all over me. 
“Once he wanted attention and he jumped on my shoulders and just loved it. 

Wallace climbs on William’s head when he wants attention.                                                                   (C) Katrina Stewart

“He’s done it ever since. 
“He wraps himself around me and sleeps, he even tries to sleep on my head. 
“I’m ex-military, so I wanted a really Scottish name for him and Wallace was just perfect. 
On their American fans, Willie said: “It’s really nice, it gives you that fluffy feeling. 
“They’re quite precious about their cats, most of them don’t let their cats outside, but we don’t have that fear. 
“The fans are quite protective over us, if there’s any negativity the women usually get stuck into them! 
“But they’re very appreciative of us, and we are of them too.” 
Speaking today, partner Kat said: “I joined a FB group called Maine Coon Cat Lovers last year, as I love Maine Coons, and I posted a picture. 
“It got a big response, so I kept posting. 

Wallace even follows William around outside.                                                                                       (C) Katrina Stewart

“Eventually it became almost daily, and fans asked repeatedly for me to do a dedicated page, so I gave in.
“Most of our fans followed us from the Maine Coon Cat Lovers group page, and we have followers from all over the world, but mainly Americans as far as I can tell. 
“They are great, really nice people and all crazy for my boys.
“Apparently Wallace is quite an exceptional Maine Coon, they are usually very aloof, and not particularly affectionate cats. 
“Our fans are amazed at how loving he is, and I think that’s what attracts most fans to follow us…..that and Wallace’s head perching!
“I like to make people smile, and that’s what the intention of the page has always been from the start.”
On her relationship with Wallace, Kat said: “I’m absolutely second best.
“He uses me to fill in when William isn’t free.
“He follows William everywhere.
“Wallace likes to sleep on William’s kilt!

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