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Brit delighted after Olympian Shauna Coxsey poses for a picture next to post box topper she made dedicated to the athlete

Shauna made her debut at the 2020 Toyko Olympics. (C)

A BRIT is delighted after Olympian Shauna Coxsey posed for a picture next to a post box topper she made dedicated to the athlete. 

Eve Tinker, 43 from Runcorn, Cheshire created the impressive wooly topper after watching Shauna who is local to the area in the Olympics. 

The self-employed knitter finished the knitted creation on Friday and put it straight out onto her local post box. 

The knitted postbox topper - Sports News UK
The incredible creation was finished by Friday.                                                               (C) Eve Tinker 

The pictures show the bright blue knitted post box topper with Team GB crocheted in red and black letters on the front. 

On the top is a white wooly background with the iconic Olympic rings and a gold, silver and bronze medal.

Complete with a knitted doppelgänger of Shauna climbing on the side. 

The picture shows Shauna Coxsley beaming as she points at the impressive post box topper in her home town of Runcorn. 

The award winning climber and sport climbing both made debuts at the Tokyo Olympics as Sport climbing became an official event for the first time ever.

Knitted postbox toppers are the new golden post boxes.                                                         (C) Eve Tinker

Speaking today Eve said: “I finished the topper last Friday and put it straight out, I was hoping to have it made before Shauna’s competition on Wednesday but didn’t quite get it ready!

“It took me just over a week to make. I’ve been wanting to make one for a while as I’ve been leaving other crochet items around for people to find for a few months.

“I knew Shauna was competing was a perfect theme for my first topper and although Shauna doesn’t live locally now her sisters do. 

“I have mutual friends with her sister and one of them had sent the photos to her on Friday, she went and took some photos of it herself at the weekend then obviously took Shauna when she came to visit!

“ I was super pleased when I received the photo yesterday. I love watching the Olympics and watched as much coverage as I could.” 

Shauna made her debut at the 2020 Toyko Olympics.                                                                         (C) Eve Tinker

The pictures were shared to Facebook yesterday captioned: “So I’ve just been sent a photo of local Olympian Shauna Coxsey with the postbox topper I made in tribute of her!

“She loves it so I’m super pleased!”

The post collected over 1000 likes and dozens of comments.

Kim Kaplan Davidson said: “How exciting! Congrats!”

Michelle West added: “That’s amazing! You must be so proud that she likes it.”

Terri Teigen- Hansen exclaimed: “How cool is that!”

While Diane White said: “Fantastic! You should be very proud.”

The Tokyo Olympics closing ceremony took place on Sunday. Team GB won a total of 65 medals and came fourth in the Olympics. 

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