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Scots carer struck off for calling elderly resident a “f***ing stinking b**ch” and refusing drinks to another

Helen Simpson struck off SSSC - Scottish Care News
Helen Simpson was struck off for numerous offences in Kirriemuir, Angus.

A SCOTS carer has been struck off after calling an elderly resident a “f***ing stinking b***h” and refusing another a drink because she would end up “pissing more”. 
Helen Simpson, who worked at Abbey House Care Home in Kirriemuir, Angus, was removed from the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) register on Sunday.

THE SSSC found evidence that Simpson told one resident in January 2020 “you’re fine, nothing wrong with you” when the woman had difficulty breathing. 
On various dates between 2016 and 2020, Simpson said to the same resident “we are not here to clean up this s**t” and that she was “fed up cleaning this s**t”.
She is also said to have told the same resident “you filthy b***h, you should be kicked out” “ and called her a “f*****g stinking b***h”.
And Simpson, who was found to be drinking alcohol during a shift, also told another resident “you’re not bloody getting a drink as you will end up pissing more”.

The SSSC yesterday released documents detailing how they issued Simpson with a removal order following the shocking incidents.

They said: “Social services workers have a duty to treat the people they provide care and support to with dignity and respect. 
“On multiple occasions you verbally abused service users, which is a failure to meet this standard and an abuse of the trust placed in you as a social services worker. 
“Your actions were likely to cause distress to the residents you directed your verbal abuse at and may have made them feel unsafe in their own home, and wary of asking for assistance in future. 
“This sort of verbal abuse is incompatible with continued registration with the SSSC.
“Drinking alcohol while on shift could have led to your judgment and ability to work safely being impaired. 
“This placed yourself, your colleagues and the residents at risk of harm.
“The behaviour is serious. 
“The most serious behaviour is the verbal abuse, which was likely to cause fear and distress to the service users involved, many of whom were particularly vulnerable due to living with dementia.
“It is therefore necessary for the SSSC to make a finding of impairment to your fitness to practise.”
In their reasoning for issuing a removal order, the SSSC panel stated that “there was a pattern of behaviour”. 

However, they did state that Simpson worked in care for a number of years before this with no previous issues. 

Speaking today, owner of Abbey Care Services, Jillian Faloon, said: “Abbey Care Services take all accusations of abuse very seriously and we investigate them inline with our policy.

“Once we finished our investigation Helen was dismissed at once. 

“I was delighted she’d been struck off, I hope she never gets near anyone to provide care again.”

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