Home Business Changes at Moray Group as Bowie takes on top job

Changes at Moray Group as Bowie takes on top job

Joseph Bowie has been appointed Chief Operating Officer at Moray Group

PROFESSIONAL services firm Moray Group has appointed a high-profile new group-wide chief operating officer, Joseph Bowie, to help drive growth.

The 36-year-old is taking on the COO position after more than a decade at legal firm Aberdein Considine.

He will take key responsibilities across multiple legal firms which operate under the Moray Group umbrella, including Simpson & Marwick in Edinburgh, Esson & Aberdein in Aberdeen and Alston Law in Glasgow.

Joseph Bowie has been appointed Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Moray Group, a Scottish professional services group made up of legal firms including Simpson & Marwick in Edinburgh and Esson & Aberdein in Aberdeen

The father-of-two is relishing the opportunity to be a non-lawyer operating in such a senior position.

He said: “It’s increasingly common for non-lawyers to hold more senior positions within firms. We are seeing the role and prominence of non-lawyers growing and I’m delighted to be part of that change.

Moray Group is all about creating and developing legal firms – and other professional services businesses – by challenging the traditional way of doing things to improve the customer experience.”

He added: “To deliver better legal, property and financial services to customers it is essential that we embrace different perspectives and backgrounds, as well as using new technology.”

Joseph, a former pupil of Turriff Academy, is married with two young daughters and lives with his family in Inverurie, Aberdeenshire. His new role will seem him renew a successful working partnership with Rob Aberdein, who launched Moray Group.

Rob said: “We previously worked together for more than six years, so having Joe join the group at such a critical time is brilliant.

Joseph is similarly excited about revisiting the partnership.

“When we previously worked together, we made a huge success of it,” he said.

Joseph added: “Neither of us have any doubt that we can do so again. There is a huge opportunity to change the way professional services are delivered to make it a better and more accessible experience for the customer.”

Rob launched Moray Group in 2020, as a tech-focused professional services umbrella group.

Its aim is to launch or acquire legal or other professional services practices with scope for growth and Joseph’s role will be to take on crucial senior management and firefighting roles in any newly launched or recently acquired firms.

Moray Group has a financial target of achieving a turnover of £10m by the end of 2022

With offices in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Aberdeen and North Berwick, the group intends further rapid expansion, driven by acquisitions of well-established legal firms with untapped potential. It will also bolt on services including financial services and property letting.

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