Home News Confusion amongst pub-goers as man approaches bar completely naked

Confusion amongst pub-goers as man approaches bar completely naked

The man stood brazenly at the bar in the nude.

PUB-GOERS have been left bewildered after a brazen boozer strolled up to a Wetherspoons bar completely naked.

Punters in the The Bear in Maidenhead, Berkshire, were left baffled on Tuesday when the man was spotted seemingly waiting to be served.

The bar staff appear to look on in disbelief as the customer, with his full birthday suit on display, leans casually on the bar in an almost-nonchalant manner.

One bizarre image shows the man perched on one leg as he leans on the bar counter.

He is not wearing a single item of clothing and has his whole body on display from top to bottom.

The bar staff can be seen looking at the man where thankfully the bar shields them from a full frontal view.

Naked man standing at Wetherspoons bar - UK and World News
The man stood brazenly at the bar in the nude.                                                                                     (C) Deadline News

Onlookers, attempting to enjoy their drink, however, have been left with a full view of the bold streaker’s derriere.

One sorry soul, who was there at the time, shared the image to Reddit on Tuesday, writing: “Wetherspoons on a Tuesday night (NSFW).”

The post has now garnered over 10,000 likes and 700 comments with users quick to express their confusion and discomfort at the man’s bold display.

@connieconcarne commented: “Imagine having bare feet on those floors though.”

@LucyandMikes-Dad joked: “If he’s paying cash, where’s that fiver been?”

@sinadoh said: “I have so many questions.”

@dazedan_confused said: “He better put some clothes on or else a Blue Moon won’t be just what he’s drinking.”

Social media users left a range of witty comments on the original post.                                                               (C) Reddit

Speaking today, the man who captured the images, who requested to be left anonymous, said: “He was sitting at the table next to us in a group of his own mates and our groups got to chatting.

“He then suddenly stood up and started stripping down out of nowhere.

“I don’t think his mates knew why he stripped off either but we were certainly shocked.

“He then walked up to the bar and had a chat with the staff but didn’t even buy a drink!

“No one got kicked out, as he returned and casually put his clothes back on with no explanation still.

“Later on we went out for a smoke and a lad approached us and told us that he had jokingly bet the guy £20 to strip, although I don’t think any money ever actually changed hands!”

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