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Top Tips for Heading Back to the Office

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

After months of zoom calls and virtual meetings life is beginning to get back on track. Which means it’s time to ditch the laptop and head back into the office.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels
Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

But after over a year of home comforts, the thought of a busy day of coordinating meetings, quarterly reports and coffee breaks without the fall-back of the mute button can leave work feeling more than a little strained.

Launching ourselves back into the workplace after so long at home is expected to be difficult so one can be forgiven for feeling overwhelmed by work. You may struggle to disconnect from work when you return home or find meetings more difficult than you once did.

Luckily, you are not alone! And there are lots of little habits you can adopt that help you feel more prepared to take on the working day.

Dress to Impress

It’s been a year of attending award shows in pyjamas and fluffy socks and we have loved every second! However, whilst having the opportunity to enjoy loungewear whilst working has been fabulous it has created a rather bad Habit.

When we stay in loungewear all day it can leave us feeling “stuck”, putting on clothes and making an active effort is thought to be an important part of mental hygiene, making you feel more confidant and focused.

So perhaps it’s time to kick the cap to the curb and opt for the cardigan instead.

Find Hobbies

It’s important to be fully focused at work so you can produce the best results for your whole team but what happens when you push too hard?

We’re all guilty of it; running off during dinner to make a call, skipping lunch to meet the deadline, trying to sneak in a few emails before the doctors.

On the surface, these actions seem like good things. Those committed to their work will obviously perform better – right?

Wrong. Whilst, showing a great level of commitment to your work is important we must know our limits. When we become too engrossed in one task or area of our lives we begin to see a range of problems.

If you launch yourself into work and skip out on hobbies and downtime you can be left feeling incredibly overwhelmed by the number of tasks in front of you.

You may feel a decline in your mental health, or find that your work has become complacent. This is because you are not giving yourself enough “downtime” to unwind and have become too immersed in a hectic work schedule.

However, this can be helped! It is key to find activities, completely unrelated to work in order to give your brain some “rest time.

This can be anything from tennis to reading. You could even kill time playing some of the best online casino games UK. As long as you are ensuring you are giving yourself enough of a break.

One day at a time

After a tumultuous few months of lockdowns and reopening, we all feel differently about heading back into a busy crowded space.

Where some might be desperate to socialise again, others may be met with new waves of social anxiety.

These are uncertain times that are inventively going to bring up unexpected emotions.

So take care of your mental health, take it one day at a time and remember there is no right way to get back to work.

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