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Zimbabwe supporters bought huge carry out of whisky and Irn-Bru before partying on Scots beach to welcome leader

Zimbabwe supporters bought huge carry out of whisky and Irn-Bru Video shows supporters of the Zanu PF partying down Portobello Beach in Edinburgh last night (MON) hours after President Emmerson Mnangagwa arrived in Glasgow. Supporters partied on the popular beach shortly after the President was pictured with Boris Johnson, Prince William and US President, Joe Biden. Footage shows the President's support party in the UK dancing in honour of the leader. The group brought a large neon speaker to the party which can be heard belting out the song, Zvatotanga. Earlier that day, the group were filmed coming out of Costco in Springburn, Glasgow, with two trolleys full of alcohol and soft drinks. Images show at least four bottles of Glenfiddich whisky, four bottles of Johnnie Walker, three bottles of Jamieson, and a bottle of Jack Daniels in the trolleys.

President of Zimbabwe supporters bought a huge carry out of whisky and Irn-Bru before partying on a Scots beach to welcome the leader to Scotland.

Video shows supporters of the Zanu PF partying down Portobello Beach in Edinburgh last night hours after President Emmerson Mnangagwa arrived in Glasgow.

Supporters partied on the popular beach shortly after the President was pictured with Boris Johnson, Prince William and US President, Joe Biden.


Footage shows the President’s support party in the UK dancing in honour of the leader.

The group brought a large neon speaker to the party which can be heard belting out the song, Zvatotanga.

Earlier that day, the group were filmed coming out of Costco in Springburn, Glasgow, with two trolleys full of alcohol and soft drinks.

Zanu PF supporters in Costco
Supporters buy a huge carry out from Costco.

Images show at least four bottles of Glenfiddich whisky, four bottles of Johnnie Walker, three bottles of Jamieson, and a bottle of Jack Daniels in the trolleys.

Two crates of Budweiser, two crates of Stella Artois, multiple bottles of wine and over 20 cans of Irn-Bru were also bought in the carry out.

Nick Mangwana, the President’s spokesman, tweeted about the party yesterday, writing: “Tonight there is a massive welcome party held in honour of HE President @edmnangagwa.

Zanu PF supporters leaving Costco with a huge amount of booze.

“Glasgow is the place to be as Zimbabweans from all corners of the UK attend this shindig and welcome their President. The party will spill over to the streets tomorrow.

“In the UK? Join the party.”

Scottish Twitter users found the supporters of the Zanu PF party’s antics hilarious.

@LaudrupsHair said: “Anyone know where the Zimbabweans are staying?”

@AbsntFriends wrote: “Party is on troops.”

@mikeystermedia commented: “I love to see the promotion of responsible drinking; Check that pack of water under the trolley. Zimbabwe bringing the party with a hydration station.”

Zanu PF supporters party on the beach welcoming in their leader into Scotland.

Some Zimbabwe citizens and opposition leaders were not impressed by Mr Mangwana sharing the video.

@advocatemahere wrote: “What is Zimbabwe’s position at COP26?

“Do we have a clear agenda? What is our message? What do we hope to get out of the engagement?

“Or it’s just Glenfiddich, ED t-shirts & vibes?

“We need new leaders.”

@Swiss0000 said: “@AlenaDouhan [UN Special Rapporteur] When we told you that it’s not sanctions but corruption you insisted it’s corruption and we told you that they will use your unfortunately cooked up report to squander tax payers money.

“Some people labelled us angry mob.

“And you ignored us, here’s proof of it.”

@SLmore08 said: “This country lacks leadership.”

This is the first time a Zimbabwean President has visited the UK since 1994.

The relationship between the two countries soured in 1997 after Tony Blair pulled out of land reform talks with the African nation. 

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