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Walking daily points Midlothian woman in the right direction


A ROSLIN local has been featured in an online exhibition recognising people who champion the joy of everyday walking.

55-year-old Juliet Ridgway-Tait’s portrait and walking story is part of Scotland’s Walking Charity, Paths for All’s “Humans of the Walk” online exhibition, launched as COP26 is underway in Glasgow.

The gallery of portraits and personal stories showcase the immense impact everyday walking can have on our health, wellbeing and the environment.

Juliet trained with the charity as a Health Walk Leader as she has been interested in active travel and exploring by foot from a young age. Now, Juliet gets to share that passion and stories with likeminded individuals in the walking groups.

Being situated between Roslin Glen and the Pentlands allows Juliet to discover a wide range of walking routes right from her doorstep.

She said: “Walking is not only good for its health benefits but it’s made me appreciate where I live and the abundance of history in my local area.

“Spending time outdoors can give you a great amount of reflective space as well as time to chat through issues and have important discussions with friends.

“I quite enjoy a rugged, untamed landscape as it gives me space to contemplate the environment and how I can make a positive impact.

“More often I’m inclined to walk rather than take the car to make sure I’m doing my bit to keep the beautiful landscape in the same condition. It also allows you to see the beauty in things you never noticed before.

“There is nothing like being outdoors and experiencing nature. Walking is free, you just need a pair of trainers and you can go!”

Images captured by the talented photographer Rebecca Holmes and her team bring to life individual stories of overcoming challenges, connecting to our natural world and feeling our best.

Nine individual stories have been captured in locations all across Scotland from different ages and abilities.

Reducing car travel for short journeys is an important step that Scotland must take to tackle the climate emergency, as car journeys are responsible for 39% of transport emissions.

The charity is determined to promote walking and wheeling as the default choices for short journeys or as part of longer public transport journey to make a happier, healthier and greener Scotland.

Kevin Lafferty, Chief Executive Officer at Paths for All, said: “We can all ‘do our bit’ for climate change by walking or wheeling more often to reduce our carbon footprint, while improving our physical and mental health.

“As COP26 is taking place in Glasgow we want walking to be recognised for what it is – a planet-saving, health-improving force, free and accessible to everyone.

“As a charity, we want to revolutionise the way people use their cities, and stop our spaces from being dominated by cars. Scotland’s towns and cities should be a backdrop for people walking, wheeling, cycling or simply spending time enjoying cleaner, quieter, calmer streets.

“The people who have been featured in Humans of the Walk show just how wide an impact our own individual actions can have – so think of what we could accomplish together.”

Paths for All’s mission is to support people in Scotland to be active every day, everywhere.

The charity works to create more opportunities and better environments for everyone in Scotland, no matter who they are or where they live, to stay active through walking, wheeling or cycling.

To find out more about Path’s for All, visit: https://www.pathsforall.org.uk/

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