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Mum in stitches over son’s “Chandler Bing from Friends” smile in school photo

Jacob's first ever school photo.

A MOTHER was left in stitches over her son’s “Chandler Bing smile” on school photo day.

Claire Southern burst out laughing when she was handed Jacob’s photograph from a teacher at Willows Primary School in Wythenshawe, Manchester yesterday.

The five-year-old was snapped pulling an effortless smile and showing off all teeth for his first ever year one school photos.

Jacob Southern
Jacob’s first ever school photo.                         C. Claire Southern

But mum Claire, 33, couldn’t help but notice the resemblance to Friends character, Chandler Bing who is known for pulling an awkward face when smiling.

Claire was so cheered up by the photo that she made sure to buy a copy to proudly show off on her mantelpiece.

The craft business owner shared Jacob’s comical grimace photo on Facebook yesterday to entertain other parents.

Jacob loves showing off his cheeky smile.                C. Claire Southern

She wrote: “I don’t usually buy school photos, but this has cheered me up so much today. 

“Definitely one for his 18th.”

The post has received over 3,400 likes and more than 200 comments from group members who thought Jacob’s school photo was hilarious.

One parent said: “Sometimes they are so funny, it’s better to keep and have it as a funny memory.

Claire with son Jacob.                C. Claire Southern

“My son had one a couple years ago and it looked like he stroked out as they took the photo, I kept it because it made us laugh so much.”

Another wrote: “These threads and pics are my favourites, absolutely hilarious.

“My middle son’s school photos somehow always manage to look nothing at all like him. 

“I’m not even sure how that’s possible, it’s every single time. 

“I always buy them anyway.”

One social media user added: “I refused to buy my daughters. 

“I’d spend ages making her hair look lovely only for her to pull it all out and pull a shocking face.

“Looking back I should have bought it but back then I was in quite a stressful place and I didn’t see the funny side.

“Love that you have kept it for a memory, so funny.”

Another another commented: “I know the photographers see 100’s of kids in a day, but they are supposed to be ‘photographers’. 

“I honestly don’t get why they would even send these home, other than for us parents to have a laugh at, but it doesn’t make them look very professional.

“I do love your cuties, but I wonder about the ‘profession’.”

Speaking today, Claire said: “Yesterday was our first day out of isolation as we have all had Covid so to say it cheered us all up would be an understatement. 

“Jacob came out of school chuffed to bits with his photo.

“We could see his teacher laughing at the door so I knew it was going to be a funny one and when he handed it over to myself and his nanna, we just burst out laughing.

“Our first thought was Chandler Bing from Friends.”

Chandler Bing known for his awkward smile.                            C. Youtube/Comedy Central UK

She added: “We still aren’t sure if he is terrified in the photo as it’s his first ever school one, or if he is genuinely giving his best grin. 

“He is usually an extremely cheeky little boy and has been known for his dirty grins in the past. 

“We don’t ever buy school pictures as they can be quite pricey, but this one is getting framed on the mantelpiece and definitely one to keep for his 18th.”

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