Home News Dedicated mum-of-three bursts beanbags all over living room floor to create winter...

Dedicated mum-of-three bursts beanbags all over living room floor to create winter wonderland

Emma came up with the the idea when she found out her cousin had two broken bean bags.

A DEDICATED mum-of-three emptied bean bags all over her living room floor so she could create a winter wonderland for her kids.

Emma Wray gave her home a fresh dusting of “snow” by filling the living room up with thousands of polystyrene balls from beanbags yesterday.

The 43-year-old dumped two bin liners of old bean bag fillers onto the carpet and placed three elfs, who were blamed as being responsible, in the middle of the mess.

The bean bag winter wonderland
Emma came up with the the idea when she found out her cousin had two broken bean bags.                       (C) Emma Wray

Emma’s children Amelia, 8, Joshua, 6, and Hollie, 7, loved the new addition to their home and played in the snow for four hours straight. 

The stay-at-home mum, from Hollesley, Suffolk, was left to clear up the mess afterwards but manages to scoop up most of it with a dustpan and brush.

She shared images of her festive decorating onto Facebook last night where the post gained over 1,300 likes.

Emma’s post read “Day five, winter has blown in!”

The post attracted over 800 comments from impressed parents.

Megan Sides said: “I would love to do this but my anxiety 100% would not cope with the mess, but these ideas are amazing.”

Mandy Stahl Chamberlin said: “Oh my, you will be finding those balls for years to come. I can’t even imagine. Great job.”

Jessica Richardson said: “Love this so much but you are going to be vacuuming this up for months.

The children played in the “snow” for four hours straight.                                                                         (C) Emma Wray

“I had a bean bag explode in my living room and it pretty much looked like this. I hope the kids love it.”

Breanna Jordan said: “This is awesome. Messes can always be cleaned up, memories are more important than any mess. Way to go, mama.” 

Speaking today, Emma said: “I’ve been doing Elf on the Shelf for them for since 2016. This is by far the most elaborate setup I’ve done.

“Two bin liners of old bean bag filler. This setup was to bring a new elf called Winter, to come and stay for a few days. 

“I was trying to think of something special to do for her arrival, so I thought she could arrive in a blizzard. 

“The kids absolutely loved it and played in it for four hours solid. The clear up really wasn’t too bad. 

“I scooped 90% of it up with a dustpan and brush. But I’m sure I’ll be finding the odd ball for a good few weeks.

“I’m not even going to try and top this one. As much as the children loved it, they love the small ones just as much.”

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