Home News The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s 9 steps for a fire-safe home.

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s 9 steps for a fire-safe home.

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service are asking the public to support the #BangOutOfOrder campaign.

The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) have launched a campaign encouraging homeowners to keep their home safe from fire in the coming winter months.

The SFRS are offering a free online self-assessment that helps homeowners determine how fire-safe their property is. On completing the self-assessment homeowners will be able to download a unique report about their home, which offers advice on how to resolve any risks or problems. Since its launch last year two thousand reports have been downloaded.

free online self-assessment

There are nine steps to a safer home that homeowners are asked to consider: smoke detectors, cooking in the kitchen, smoking, candles, electrics and heating, emollient creams, medical oxygen, air pressure mattresses, night time routine and their fire action plan.

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Engine - News
The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service are asking the public to be vigilant of accidental house fires, particularly in the winter months.

Along with the free online assessment and unique report, the SFRS website has a winter section that offers advice and information on how to safely heat the home in the winter months. A fire safety visit can also be arranged with SFRS staff who will identify hazards and risks in the home, help plan escape routes and provide information about smoke, heat and carbon monoxide alarms. Winter Safety

To arrange a fire safety visit call 0800 0731 999 or text “FIRE” to 80800.

The campaign comes after the latest figures showed firefighters attended more than four hundred and fifty accidental house fires in roughly one winter month last year. Sadly, during the same period, house fires claimed the lives of seven people and injured fifty-eight more. These incidents took place between the 7th of December 2020 and the 11th of January 2021.

SFRS head of prevention and protection said: “Fire is a risk for everyone, but some people are more at risk than others. If you know someone who is over 50 and smokes, and who has either mobility issues or uses medical oxygen or lives alone, please arrange a Home Fire Safety Visit on their behalf.”

“One death because of a fire in the home is one too many. Reaching out to those who are vulnerable can help save lives in our communities.”

Community safety minister Ash Regan said: “As we reach the coldest and darkest part of the year, I would encourage everyone to follow the easy, but important steps laid out by SFRS that will help prevent fires.

“The free online safety assessment offered by SFRS is an important way to identify the hazards in your own home and please contact them directly if you think you, or any family and friends, might be at higher risk of fire.”


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