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Family delight after tot with “worst case of sepsis” doc had ever seen stabilises

Harry Jackson has started to stabilise in Greece.

A TOT who contracted the worst case of sepsis a doctor had ever seen after being hospitalised with a twisted intestine has started breathing on his own again.

Little Harry Jackson had been on a ventilator for six weeks after collapsing on a beach in Crete, Greece in October while on holiday with his family.

The one-year-old was rushed to hospital where medics found he had a twisted intestine, organ failure and problems with his heart.

Harry Jackson laying in his hospital bed
Harry Jackson has been in a Greek hospital for the past six weeks.                                                     Credit: Gary Jackson

The youngster from Saint Neots, Cambridgeshire underwent life-saving surgery to untwist his small intestine early last month.

Harry was put in an induced coma after developing septic shock but managed to fight the deadly condition – despite being given a 20% chance of survival.

His doctor told Harry’s parents, Gary, 42, and Annie, 25, that he was amazed the toddler had managed to survive as it was “the worst case of sepsis he had ever seen”.

On Monday delighted dad Gary revealed that the brave young tot has now managed to breathe on his own again.

Harry with mum Annie Cerveno.                                                                                                     Credit: Annie Cerveno

Security consultant Gary said: “Update on our little hero Harry.

“Where to begin…by far the worst six weeks of our life’s but we finally feel we’re in a good place to personally give our thanks. 

“We know a lot of people have been following the updates on Harry’s GoFundMe page which has been managed superbly by (friend) Gareth and Kate. 

“However the latest update we are excited to tell you is that our little man has been extubated and is breathing all by himself, a massive step forward for him and for us in planning his long road to recovery…marathon even.

“This has been made so much easier by the financial support that we have received from the 860 donations that you guys have made, which we have taken as 860 thoughts and prayers for our Harry and we believe has helped him massively.

“So again, we thank everyone who has played a part in supporting, rooting for or just thinking of our Harry.

“Bring on this journey, we are ready for it.” 

Harry Jackson holds hands with his dad Gary.                                                                                   Credit: Gary Jackson

The GoFundMe page was set up by Gary’s best friend, Gareth Davies, with an initial target of £5,000.

It was set up to help Harry’s family with expenses such as mortgage payments, food and accommodation while they are in Greece.

The page has gained over £25,000 from kind hearted donors in the space of six weeks.

Speaking from the hospital in Crete, Gary today revealed that he and partner Annie were surprised by Harry’s progress.

Doctors extubated the toddler on Sunday and were over the moon when he was finally able to breathe on his own again.

Speaking today Gary said: “It was unbelievable, we were just told that everything would have to go perfectly for it to even be an option. 

“We can only call twice a day at 11am and 6:30pm and visit once a week but when the doctor told us what was happening, I don’t think I’ve ever moved as quickly. 

“I’ve been better this week than I have been in the last six. 

“Harry is safe and well.

“We are ready [to go home] whenever we get the go-ahead from the doctors. 

“We need to pay another £38,000 which is fine, we have the money and are good to go. 

“As soon as the hospital says we can fly him home then we will. 

“We’ve visited the consulate and sorted it all. 

“Harry will be in hospital for the next three months.” 

Gary added: “Harry had two septic attacks, the condition he was in was actually so bad that doctors told us he had the stats of a dead child. 

“His heartbeat was under 40bpm.

“His second septic attack happened on Sunday 21st November after his mainline catheter got infected.”

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