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The Lazy Gambler’s Guide for Beginners

Photo by Amanda Jones on Unsplash

The thrill of the bet, the anticipation of a win – most people find it in their favorite online gambling slots, while others find it in betting on sports and live games. It’s all about the thrill of winning, and this is why so many people decide to take up gambling as a hobby or even a profession. Well, this guide focuses on the most effective ways to gamble with minimum effort while still remaining profitable. Read on!

Photo by Amanda Jones on Unsplash

Who Is a Lazy Gambler?

If you are reading this, then you are most probably a lazy gambler. A lazy gambler is someone who wants to get all the benefits of gambling but doesn’t want to put in too much work. As a lazy gambler, you don’t want to go all-in at once. You prefer a slow and steady growth rate, which will also allow you to feel less stress if things start going south. You want to be able to play for as long as possible without having to worry about your next deposit.

How to Gamble Consistently & Effectively 

Start Small by Playing Free Slots or Demo Games

This is one of the most important tips all lazy gamblers should follow. Playing free slots is the best way to start small and see if gambling fits your taste or not. You can play for hours without having to deposit anything, so you can better understand how it all works in a risk-free environment. If you see that this is not for you, then no harm is done!

Free casino games are also the best way to get accustomed to different sites and their rules before making an actual deposit. This ensures that you will have fun while still being profitable from day one of your gambling journey! 

Dial Down Your Wagers

If you want to gain the maximum benefit from your bets, then it is absolutely necessary that you take into consideration your wagered amount and only play with the money you can afford.

If you want to be a successful gambler and play for as long as possible, then it’s best if your wager amounts are low! The idea here is that you will always have something left in your account so that you can keep going without having to deposit more funds. This might sound counterproductive at first because, of course, the higher amount wagered means a bigger chance of winning. However, this isn’t true all the time – sometimes, even with tiny bets, one could come out ahead just as well or better than those who bet their life savings on each roll of dice or card draw.

In short, do not gamble more than you can afford. It really is that simple!

Only Make Safe Bets

This is where all the research you do beforehand is important. You need to understand your limits, what games are profitable for low-rollers, and which bets have a better payout ratio. 

Only bet on those! Being too greedy will only make you lose your money fast, so please make sure your bets are smart and safe.

Only Play Video Version of Games

As a lazy gambler, you will rarely enjoy playing with crowds standing around the craps or roulette table. You will have all the fun you need on video consoles. This is because you can play without having to interact with other people, and you can do so at your own pace. You can choose to play 600 hands of video poker or video blackjack, or you can play one or two hands per minute. It’s up to you!

Playing alone allows you to take your time and really understand the rules of each game, which is pretty much essential if you want to be a successful gambler.

Study a Game’s Rules Before Playing It

This is a rule of thumb that every lazy gambler should follow. Take your time and learn each game’s rules, as well as the proper way to play it before going all in. This will ensure that you are playing at your best and that each bet is safe.

This might seem like a lot of work, but it really isn’t! Before making any bets or wagers on the table games, take some time to look over their rules. If this means asking another player for help or reading them online before taking part in a real money play, then go ahead. No one will be offended by your effort.

Finally…Don’t Gamble Too Often 

The most important thing to keep in mind when aiming for a lazy gambler lifestyle is not to play too often! If you want this to be sustainable long-term, then once per week or max twice will suffice. This way, you can still have fun while also making some profit here and there without having to spend all of your free time at it! 

Keeping things casual is key if one wants their gambling hobby/profession to remain healthy. How does that sound? Doable right? Good – now it’s time to get started with your first game. Good luck!

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