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Adorable video shows Scots tot, 4, dancing to Jingle Bells being played on the bagpipes

Lucy wowed the crowd with her Highland dance.
AN ADORABLE video shows a four-year-old Scots tot Highland dancing to Jingle Bells being played on the bagpipes.

Lucy Clark donned the traditional Highland dress to perform in front of an adoring crowd at the Loch Lomond Shores Christmas Festival two weeks ago.

The four-year-old from Argyll, Argyll and Bute, jigged to a bagpipe rendition of Jingle Bells while wearing a pair of reindeer antlers on her head.

The mini dancer was performing in aid of children’s charity Cash for Kids while her family watched on from the crowd.


A video shared online shows Lucy bowing to the crowd as she opened her set, before assuming her stance.

She then bursts into her Highland jig, dancing on the spot as she springs from side-to-side for the traditional pas de basque move.

Raising her hands as the tune of Jingle Bells plays merrily in the background, the tot adds a series of high cuts – a traditional Highland dancing move.

The video shows the crowd clapping along to the beat and cheering the youngster on as she dances.

The song comes to an end as Lucy finishes with another bow to her new-found fans, who give a final cheer and a lasting round of applause at the adorable performance.

The video was shared by the Loch Lomond Shores Food and Drinks Festival Facebook page last Wednesday.

They captioned the video: “This is the cutest thing you will see all day!

“One of our youngest performers at our Christmas Festival last weekend from #margaretroseschoolofdance”

The video has gained over 375,000 views and more than 4,500 likes from impressed viewers.

Lucy Clark with the Highland dance medals she has won.
Lucy has already won medals for her dancing.                                                                                        (C) Stephen Clark

Hundreds of social media users also left comments, praising the youngster for her talents.

Laurie Adams said: “She’s a doll. This put a big smile on my face.”

Hetty Wolfs said: “So, little cutie and bagpipes. What else could anyone want?”

Anne McIntyre said: “Wee cutie, she is brilliant.”

Paivi Holliday added: “Loved it. Such a sweetheart.”

Famous Liverpool fundraiser Speedo Mick also commented, simply saying: “Blinder.”

Lucy is part of the Margaret Rose School of Dance in Helensburgh, Argyll and Bute along with younger sister Lily, 3.

Speaking today, dad Stephen Clark, 35, said: “Lucy and her sister Lily both love Highland dancing.

“She only started at the dance school in May of this year because of the pandemic, but she’s already won a few medals.

“Lucy definitely enjoyed herself on the day. She is unfazed by the crowd and obviously the weather as well – it was very cold!

“She had quite a few family members watching her from the crowd, and we’re all very proud of her and her sister.”

Anne Nelson, a spokeswoman for Loch Lomond Shores, who captured the footage, today said: “Lucy is from Margaret Rose School of Dance, who were performing at our Loch Lomond Shores Christmas Festival.

“This wee four-year-old came out to do a solo highland fling and stole the show.

“The two-day event saw over 20,000 visitors to Loch Lomond Shores from all over Scotland, and was packed with a full entertainment schedule.

“All the acts gave their time for free to raise money for the Cash For Kids Mission Christmas Appeal – we don’t have a final total yet, as donations are still open at www.cashforkidsgive.co.uk/campaign/radio-clyde-mission-christmas-corporate-challenge-2021/fundraisers/shs-events/

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