Home Partner Posts Drs. Emil and Rada Shakov Never Hesitate to Help

Drs. Emil and Rada Shakov Never Hesitate to Help


Dr. Emil Shakov and Dr. Rada Shakov are well-known for their aesthetics clinic, the Youth Fountain. While the aesthetics clinic is certainly changing the lives of each patient for the better, the doctors go beyond just medical work to help their community. Keep reading to learn more about how they’re doing their part!

Supporting Children in Their Community

Drs. Emil and Rada Shakov are parents themselves. Although raising children in a loving, supportive environment is already impressive, the doctors go beyond their own family to help other families who are struggling with medical and other expenses.

Many children have difficult lives where they deal with medical issues or their families have financial troubles. The doctors explain that their love for their own children has encouraged them to be there for these children and their parents during difficult times.

Donating to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital

To ensure that everyone can gain access to the medical care and treatments they need, the doctors donate a significant amount of money to St. Jude’s Hospital, one of the leading children’s hospitals in the world. Dr. Rada Shakov explained that she can’t imagine the pain and trauma that the families and children experience, and donating helps her know she is making a difference.

Giving Back to Their Community

Dr. Emil Shakov and Dr. Rada Shakov understand and empathize with those who are struggling with affording basic necessities. Both doctors are passionate about aiding their community however they can. They do this by giving to their local food pantry on a regular basis as well as shopping at local businesses to support those who live, work, and own businesses in their community.

Donating to Charity

Not only do the doctors donate significantly to St. Jude’s Hospital, but they donate to other charities as well. With the hope to change others’ lives, the doctors donate to The Boys and Girls Club of Toms River and Waylon’s Southern Thunder Ranch, which helps families to deal with the loss of a child.

Another organization that they support is the in-progress Challenger Place. The Challenger Place will be a playground that is inclusive to all children and a safe place to play. As parents, the doctors know the struggles that children experience and hope that their donation can help children feel safe and included.

Caring For Veterans

The Wounded Warriors Project and Disabled Veterans National Foundation are two organizations that help veterans, especially those who were injured. The doctors hope to show their gratitude toward the veterans’ honorable service by regularly donating to these organizations.

Dr. Emil and Rada Shakov Are Changing the World

Through their amazing aesthetics clinic, the Youth Fountain, and by their charitable donations and support, the Drs. Shakov are truly changing the world for the better. To experience how they can help you, contact the Youth Fountain today!

For more information about Drs. Rada and Emil Shakov please visit their website or follow them on Instagram @theyouthfountain.

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