Home News Local News Edinburgh pensioner celebrates milestone 100th birthday

Edinburgh pensioner celebrates milestone 100th birthday

Mary Steele celebrated her 100th birthday with a surprise party at Royston Mains Close retirement home.

AN EDINBURGH tenant has marked her 100th birthday with a surprise party at her retirement home.

Residents and staff at Royston Mains Close in the capital helped arrange the special occasion for Mary Steele.

Attended by other residents and staff, the party was organised by Audrey Barclay, the Retirement Housing Manager.

As the celebrations took place in the residents’ communal lounge, Mary, who has lived at the complex for 11 years, received a letter from the Queen congratulating her on a milestone birthday.

Mary Steele alongside staff from Dunedin Canmore's Royston Mains Close retirement home.
Mary Steele celebrated her 100th birthday with a surprise party at Royston Mains Close retirement home.

Mary said: “It was a wonderful day and I’m very grateful for all the effort Audrey and the team have gone to for me.

“There have been many ups and downs in my life but seeing my children grow up and being blessed with children of their own has to be one of the highlights.”

Mary raised four children of her own and now has six grandchildren, as well as eight great grandchildren. She worked in the timber core in her earlier years and then later in the financial sector.

When asked if she had any birthday wishes, Mary said: “I’ve asked my friends and family not to give me any gifts.

“Instead, I’ve told them all I would rather they make a donation to Parkinson’s UK or Chest, Heart and Stroke, as members of my family have been affected by these in some way.”

Dunedin Canmore’s retirement service at Royston Mains Close is part of Wheatley Group, and has been operating for 30 years, with 50 homes offering independent living to people aged 60 and over.

Audrey Barclay said: “Mary is a very special lady, very independent, strong-willed and witty, and we all love her to bits.

“One of the things we pride ourselves on at Royston Close is that we’re a community and we all come together to celebrate each other, go on holiday and even hold events.

“Mary absolutely loves bingo, and we hold this every week in the communal lounge, along with other types of games and lunches – we also arrange trips abroad with residents each year.

“We do everything we can to make sure that everyone who stays here feels included and part of what I consider my extended family.

“One of my favourite parts of my job is seeing everyone socialise and pull together – from residents helping each other and volunteering at events to the support we get from the wider team at Wheatley, such as investment in our facilities and our environmental team.”

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