Home Business Scotland set for more “business enabling” 5G hubs in Aberdeen and Kilmarnock

Scotland set for more “business enabling” 5G hubs in Aberdeen and Kilmarnock

HALO's Enterprise and Innovation Centre will play host to the new 5G Hub in Kilmarnock.

THE ADOPTION of 5G is to be accelerated in Scotland with the announcement of two new innovation hubs in Aberdeen and Kilmarnock. 

The bases come as part of a £4m investment from the Scottish Government, who hope the result will be additional economic growth. 

In Aberdeen, ONE Tech Hub near Union Terrace Gardens will be the location, created in partnership with Opportunity North East. 

While for Kilmarnock, developers will work in tandem with regeneration initiative HALO and will be based in their Digital Cyber and Innovation Park on Hill Street. 

HALO’s Enterprise and Innovation Centre will play host to the new 5G Hub in Kilmarnock.

The hubs are said to act as “business enablers”, intended to help form strategic partnerships between key customers in the regions. 

Enabled through 5G connectivity, it is also hoped that new applications and services can be developed to aide productivity. 

Finance Secretary Kate Forbes commented: “These new 5G Innovation Hubs will help boost the economy and encourage entrepreneurship in Aberdeen and Kilmarnock. 

“This transformational technology could provide Scotland with competitive advantage and, most importantly, improve quality of life for citizens and businesses across the country as we rebuild a sustainable economy with good jobs at its heart.”

The Scotland 5G Centre (S5GC) are delivering the further two hubs under the expansion of their S5GConnect programme. 

These new bases will mark the fourth and fifth S5GConnect hubs, with the other three found in Forth Valley, Dundee and Dumfries. 

The latter stands out as Scotland’s first rural hub for 5G innovation. 

Paul Coffey, Chief Executive of S5GC, said: “Acting as a catalyst to place Scotland at the forefront of digital connectivity, each hub will build on regional engagement, job creation and skills development by supporting key sectors and businesses.”

In Aberdeen, the base will be located at ONE Tech Hub.

Focusing on sectors relevant to the Aberdeen and Ayrshire economies has been a key promise behind the new hubs, including energy, offshore and ports. 

Opportunity North East Chief Executive Jennifer Craw said: “Locating the S5GConnect Hub within ONE Tech Hub provides businesses and tech developers with the opportunity to demonstrate, develop and apply 5G connectivity in new applications and ensure the region’s key sectors continue to be at the forefront of digital and technology developments and further strengthens ONE Tech Hub as the forum for the digital ecosystem.”

While Marie Macklin CBE, HALO founder and Executive Chair added: “Hosting a Scotland 5G Centre Connect Hub here at the HALO will further enhance our community approach to providing digital and cyber jobs with skills development, economic growth and access to employment opportunities.”

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