Home News Health Scots care specialist launches podcast to celebrate 50th anniversary

Scots care specialist launches podcast to celebrate 50th anniversary


A SCOTS independent living specialist is launching a podcast to help celebrate 50 years of helping people live more independently.

Blackwood has promised the episodes will have “something for everyone” interested in Scotland’s rapidly changing housing, health and social care sector – including its own staff and customers.

The new venture will feature a line-up of guests including leading experts in robotics and designers focused on improving living spaces for those with disabilities or age-related conditions.

Fanchea Kelly, Chief Executive of Blackwood, said: “We’re privileged to have access to so many interesting people who have given so much throughout their professional lives to improving the lives of others.

Blackwood Chief Exeutive, Fanchea Kelly.
Fanchea Kelly has said Blackwood is “privileged” to have access to so many interesting people.

“We are incredibly pleased to be creating a new platform for those voices that will help explain and explore their work while making it easily accessible.

“We’ll be speaking with agenda setters and policy makers as well as the finest minds in science, research, robotics, smart technology and design.

“What unites them all is a passion for helping people to live longer, happier and more independent lives.”

The new podcast is also setting out to help the charity celebrate its 50th anniversary by focusing on some of its longest-serving staff and customers, who will tell their personal stories about Blackwood.

Since being founded by disability campaigner Dr Margaret Blackwood, the organisation has gone on to become one of the most progressive in helping people to live independently, despite disabilities, mobility-limiting conditions and the effects of ageing.

Confirmed guests lined up for the new podcast include social care policy leaders, Brian Sloan the Chief Executive of Age Scotland; and Blackwood’s own Chair, Julie McDowell.

Broadcaster Pennie Taylor is also scheduled for a host slot – she is best-known as a long-standing BBC Scotland Health Correspondent.

Other episodes will feature Blackwood’s tech champions interviewing academic experts on how robots and other cutting-edge technology will continue to transform independent living.

They will include Professor Praminda Caleb- Solly, of the University of Nottingham and Dr Mauro Dragone, from Heriot-Watt University’s Edinburgh Centre for Robotics.

Fanchea added: “There really will be something for everyone.

“We all know someone who needs extra care to live independently and since growing older is an inevitability, we have a vested interest in this for our own futures.

“The pace of technological change is summed up in podcasts, which have become one of the most accessible forms of communication there is, so it is a fitting format for Blackwood to adopt as we celebrate 50 years.

“The housing and care sector has gone through a tremendous change since we started, especially with advances in digital technology.

“We want to ensure Blackwood is at the forefront of what the next 50 years will bring.”

Since 1972, Blackwood housing and care has been providing specialist accommodation aimed at maximising independent living, with a particular focus on innovation.

Technology modernisation has seen the installation of a digital services system, CleverCogs alongside the launch of the bespoke “Blackwood House”, which is a design combining technology and modern construction to meet customer’s changing needs.

Blackwood operates more than 1,500 properties across 29 local authorities, helping transform its customers’ lives.

The podcast will be available on the Blackwood website as well as on the usual channels including iTunes, Spotify, Google Podcasts and most mainstream podcast apps.

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