Home Entertainment Celebrity chef Tony Singh brings his Radge Chaat to Bonnie & Wild

Celebrity chef Tony Singh brings his Radge Chaat to Bonnie & Wild

Tony Singh and Brother Lucky previously opened their venue in Tollcross before moving to city centre All images © Gibson Digital 2022

TONY SINGH MBE unveiled his Radge Chaat Indian food stall at Bonnie & Wild in Edinburgh’s St James Quarter today following a soft launch on May 11.

The opening comes after Singh and his brother Lucky, trialled Radge Chaat as a pop-up in the west end of the city during the recent lockdown, with the chefs wanting to ‘take the next step and open a city-centre venue.’

Tony Singh
Tony Singh and Brother Lucky opened their venue in Tollcross before moving to the city centre All images © Gibson Digital 2022

 Singh said: “I launched Radge Chaat in 2001 because I wanted to bring high quality, authentic Indian street food to Edinburgh.

“Amid the pessimism of lockdown, especially for hospitality, I wanted to give people accessible, colourful, and soul-lifting Indian food.

“I’m really excited to be joining Bonnie & Wild’s Scottish Marketplace.

“There are already some great chefs involved and I’m delighted to now be part of this community.”

Radge Chaat has opened with a trial menu, with the full menu launching on May 25.  

Radge Chaat will be offering menu items such as Samosa Chaat, Pakora Chaat and Chana Chaat; as well as monthly specials including a vegan butter chicken tikka dish.

 Singh explained that ‘Chaat’ is a savoury snack that originated in India, often served from roadside stalls or food carts.

The word, which is derived from “Chaatna”, meaning “to lick”, describes a host of savoury snacks characterised by their “full and punchy flavours” and sweet, sour, spicy, tangy, and crunchy taste. 

After opening in the Tollcross area of the Capital and operating from a pop-up, Radge Chaat quickly became a popular addition to the city’s vibrant food scene.

Singh said: “When we were offered the chance to join the Scottish marketplace we jumped at the chance.

“I’m hugely passionate about Scottish food and drink, and we share so many of the same values about hospitality, including local sourcing, sustainability, and quality ingredients.”

Radge Chaat joins a string of leading chefs and F&B businesses at Bonnie & Wild, including National Chef of Scotland Gary Maclean’s seafood restaurant Creel Caught, BBC Jimmy Lee’s Salt & Chilli Oriental and the boutique bottleshop run by the leading drinks wholesaler, Inverarity Morton.

Ryan Barrie, Operations Director at Bonnie & Wild said: “Tony and Lucky are brilliant additions to Bonnie & Wild.

“We’re all delighted to have them here.

“Their quality banter and characters are matched by their exceptional cooking, and like us all at Bonnie & Wild, they are focused on promoting Scottish food and drink, and bring another example of the range and diversity of cooking and ingredients available here.

“I can’t wait to try their full menu when it launches next week.”

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