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Glastonbury reveller arrives back home to find postcard he sent to himself while drunk at the festival – calling himself a “fat, bald p***k”

Doug with the cheeky card.

A GLASTONBURY reveller arrived back home to find a postcard he sent to himself while drunk at the festival – calling himself a “fat, bald p***k”.

Doug Carter said he was so hammered at the dance festival last month that he completely forgot he sent himself a postcard whilst there.

The 47-year-old from Bedworth, Warwickshire, had been enjoying some drinks with his wife when they visited a postcard shop on site.

Glastonbury postcard
Doug completely forgot about the postcard until he arrived home on last Monday.

He decided to pen himself one for when he returned back home, saying: “Hi Doug, it’s Doug.

“I bet you’re gutted you’re home you fat, bald p***k.

“Love Doug.”

Doug arrived back home the day after the world renowned festival ended (27 JUN) to find the postcard waiting for him on his mat.

When he first spotted it, the telehandler initially didn’t realise who it could be from.

But after reading the brutal message, Doug instantly started getting flashbacks of his drunken visit to the festival shop several days before (23 JUN).

Doug, who also does stand up comedy, posted about the hilarious incident on Facebook on Monday (4 JUL), writing: “On Thursday night, me and the better half got to go out without our lad and we got a little bit hammered.

“We got back from the festival on Monday and found a postcard and was surprised to find it was from me.”

The post has now collected over 1,500 likes with dozens of comments from festival-goers who were left in stitches by the post.

One said: “I actually think this is my favourite Glasto story so far! Doug, I salute you!”

Another wrote: “That’s pretty close to inter dimensional travel.

“There’s a theory that your Glastonbury festival self could accidentally meet your non-Glastonbury festival self, but it could be really quite dangerous and upset the entire time space continuum. I’d say burn it to be on the safe side.”

A third commented: “This is my fave Glasto post. Just shows what the festival does to you!”

A fourth added: “Hammered Doug sounds a bit brutal.”

Doug at Glastonbury.

Speaking today (TUE), Doug said: “I was there with my young lad and my friend and they were kind enough to let me have the first night off and they would look after the kids.

“Me and the Mrs went out and had quite a few drinks because it would be the only night off (not looking after kids).

“When I got back [from Glastonbury] I was a little bit depressed but the minute I walked in I spotted a postcard on the floor.

“I wondered ‘who’s that off?’ and then I noticed who that’s off.

“I couldn’t remember sending it at all until I read it and I had a flashback to writing it but until that moment I completely forgot.

“It took me straight back to the card shop.

“Me and the Mrs got a little bit hammered and found a postcard store.

“She sent a postcard to her mum and her best mate but I sent one to me.

“It was one of these things that instantly perked me back up once I got back from Glastonbury. It really made my day.

“I loved the message I left, I’m a bit ruthless and do some stand up comedy so I love a bit of a laugh.

“I’m always a bit of a silly lad that likes to see the funny in everyday life.”

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