Home News Court & Crime Support worker struck off after sexually assaulting colleagues

Support worker struck off after sexually assaulting colleagues

Olaoluwa Olugbodi was convicted of two charges of sexual assault in February.

A SUPPORT worker has been struck off after being convicted of sexually assaulting two female colleagues at a Scots care home.

Olaoluwa Olugbodi was found to have groped the women, as well as making sexual remarks to them, while employed by Craigard Care Limited in Aberdeen.

He also forcefully embraced the women on separate occasions, rubbing his “clothed penis” against their bodies during incidents which occurred in 2021.

Olaoluwa Olugbodi was convicted of two charges of sexual assault in February.

Mr Olugbodi kissed both women on the mouth and also grabbed the buttocks of one of the victims.

He was quickly dismissed by Craigard Care Limited following an investigation into the allegations.

They later referred the case to the police resulting in the former Robert Gordon University student being convicted on two charges of sexual assault at Aberdeen Sheriff Court in February this year.

The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) yesterday decided to remove Mr Olugbodi from the register in response to the incidents.

They said: “We decided there is evidence that on 18 February 2022, while registered with the SSSC on the part of the register for support workers in a care home service for adults, you were convicted at Aberdeen Sheriff Court of two offences contrary to section 3 of the Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009.

“On various occasions between 8 February 2021 and 5 March 2021, both dates inclusive,…you did sexually assault AA, in that you did seize her by the body and embrace her, touch her on the body, touch her on the buttocks, make remarks about her body, press your body against her body and press your clothed penis against her body and kiss her on the mouth.

“On various occasions between 15 February 2021 and 16 March 2021, both dates inclusive,…you did sexually assault BB, in that you did seize her on the body, embrace her, touch her on the body, kiss her on the mouth, attempt to kiss her on the mouth, press your body against her body and press your clothed penis against her body.

“In light of the above your fitness to practise is impaired because of
your convictions…”

On making their decision to issue Mr Olugbodi with a striking off order, the SSSC said: “You have been convicted of two sexual assault offences.

“Your abuse was directed at colleagues and caused them serious distress and upset.

“The behaviour was clearly sexually motivated.

“Your behaviour fell well below the standards expected.

“It was fundamentally incompatible with professional registration and breached the fundamental values expected of the social service profession.

“Given the serious nature of your convictions and the pattern of sexual abuse, we consider there is a risk of similar behaviour occurring again. If repeated, this would cause a serious risk of harm.

Mr Olugbodi is a business graduate from Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen.

“There is a clear requirement to reaffirm clear standards of professional conduct. It is highly likely that your behaviour would damage the reputation of the profession should no action be taken.”

The panel also stated that Mr Olugbodi lacked insight and remorse during the proceedings.

A spokesperson for Craigard Care Limited today said: Female members of staff reported Mr Olugbodi to their manager for alleged sexual harassment at work.

“We take such complaints extremely seriously and immediately launched an internal investigation into the allegations, whilst also supporting the staff members to report their allegations to the Police.

“Following our internal investigation we were satisfied that the allegations were legitimate and of a serious nature.

“Mr Olugbodi was then dismissed with immediate effect on 16th March 2021.

“We were encouraged by the subsequent decision of the Aberdeen Sheriff Court to uphold our staff members’ allegations and to convict Mr Olugbodi of the charges against him in February 2022.

“We are also pleased that, following our reporting of Mr Olugbodi to the Scottish Social Services Council Fitness to Practice section in March 2021, that he has now been removed from their register and is barred from working with vulnerable people.

“It is vital that we as employers do not tolerate such behaviour in the workplace and it is equally vital that such people are not permitted to work in the Care Sector.”

Scottish Government statistics shows that there 4,154 sexual assault convictions in 2020-21, up by well over a thousand from 2011-12, when the figure was 2,908.

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